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Nah hell not. I am just exaggerating things a little bit too much. If I want to get my work done on time I must do this. In that way I can totally upgrade my position I believe. If not I can always quit with whatever wage i was assigned and pursue my passion for fashion designing. For a while I was abstracted from my passion not gonna lie but it is what it is.

I was out in space from my personal assistant job thinking i could actually be his personal assistant forever. For a moment I could anticipate that Steven has had an enigmatic control over my life. As if someone casted a spell on me or gaslighted my mind into being his personal assistant forever.

However this mustn't go on. After all I have to think of my mother too. She can't be always dwelling in that house witnessing my dad's sketchy behavior and being thoroughly biased towards me & mom. I must pull myself back on track. If not now then it's gonna be never. Even so how do I bring it to fruition?

I mean it's been three months and up since I signed up for fashion show vogue week but I still haven't received any response from their end. I have sent my portfolios to almost everyone in the fashion industry i associate with if my memory serves me right. Do they find it that repugnant? It's more demanding than a resume i feel. Factually speaking, my resume was mediocre but tables turned up for me and it landed me a personal assistant job just by my multilingual abilities.

I was more stunned then they were technically speaking. But I must also consider the fact that fashion designing is not at all same as speaking multi-languages. What was I even made for? I am so indecisive at the moment. I can still recall that a woman somewhere in her mid 60's had analysed my future and had given me a brief insight revealing how much of a business woman I was gonna be at the age of twenty-seven but I still don't see myself up there anytime soon.

She had engulfed my freaking 90$ dollars only for this small piece of information. How more cunning she could turn out to be? She was speaking of the impossible or straight up she bluffed out of cupidity. Not only that she also claimed that there would be a king in my life who would give up on his throne for me and would devote me his undivided throne and empire. What era was she residing in? Ancient? I bet. I mean how hard can it be to guess those flaky things? That was also a freaking white-lie.

That's when I concluded believing in fortune cookies & astrology. Tarot card readers were asserting the most irrelevant things to me. I was a total mess & no one could fix me except for myself. And here was shasha on the other side of the coin teasing me by Steven's name. Telling me how much of a big-fat crush he has on me and balderdash things. if only she could speculate my real relationship with Steven she would know that's just one of his personalities peaking it's head out and asking for some uncalled conflicts.

But that one statement of her's was enough to make me loose my marbles and replaying it over and over again on loop stating "you know Steven has a sparkling side which he never intends to show but he did that to you. Never in his life did he take his previous pa's to business trips but you're the first person to go on an exclusive trip with him. You mustn't let go of him besides love always comes from the unexpected person."

It led me into reconsidering about my relationship with him. If that is what he thinks of me then i must put an end to this. I don't see him in that way and i hope he doesn't either. So before this situation turns into something more vehement which i am not prepared for whatsoever I must keep my distance away from him. Which also simultaneously denotes that I must work my ass off if i am willing to elope from the things that holds me back.

Thinking back and forth while swirling the chair led me in for a quick power nap before heading to the cafe. " Miss Erica you don't need to be present in front of investors. I'll be back after I am done having a word with investors." His booming voice reverberated around the room. Making me sprung up from the chair.

$THE BIPOLAR BEAST$ Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz