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Besides people gotta know who the fuck is Erica jade. I am not going to be a coward anymore! thinking about the fucking damn society is not going to help me in any way. If I don't fight for my own happiness, no one will. If I don't get selfish, i am pretty much sure that I am going to miss out on a lot of things and at the end of the day, i would be left with only remorse and nothing else. So in order to prevent it from happening, i need to relax & go with the flow. I mean being spontaneous for a few hours wouldn't harm me, would it?

After a few minutes of being mousy, i finally made up my mind & gave in.
People were going crazy, jamming, grooving and i realised that people were too busy to care about the surroundings. I realised that people didn't give a fuck about anyone, so why should i? i was apparently at the bar counter sitting alone, having a sip of blue lagoon, thinking of to join them. I was just patiently waiting for the right time to step in.

But people here don't wait for the right time, they just go with the flow & so i was dragged again by one of my colleagues. I should probably appreciate her swift move, because the audacity she held to actually shove me on the dance floor and that too, in the center was something abrupt. People were gazing at me like Bitch we don't have the whole day for you, either you show us what you got or get lost. The one who shoved me on the dance floor happened to hype me up & because of her hyping the whole club began to hype me up.

And in no time I found myself to be grooving, slow dancing in the party.
The whole club approved my dance moves I guess, they followed my lead afterall. Now it was time to switch songs so here we were grooving on levitating song by dua lipa. This song is a whole another vibe. People were gearing up their dance moves, taking their dance moves to another level, some were imitating dua lipa's dance choreography while some were grooving like professionals.

And here I was absolutely dumbfounded, not knowing how to dance because clubbing & parties are not my cup of tea. It never was, and never will. However tonight i wasn't going to let go of the opportunity that God himself striked to help me. So here I was, rolling my hands up in the air, swaying my hips, trying my best to fit in.

And I must say this was fun, way too fun. I mean clubbing is not that bad as i thought it would be. Soon i got the hang of it & then I just couldn't stop myself from getting addicted to dancing. Never knew dancing could be this fun & it would turn out to be a stress buster. The pros of clubbing were soon turned into something alluring & just majestic.

It completed brainwashed my mind & soon the mental pain, stress, angst, anxiety was soon vanished. However the main part of clubbing isn't complete without getting drunk. So I had to try something, you couldn't escape from drinking, it was inevitable.

So once again I was dragged to have something which i hadn't had before in my whole life which was champagne. This is actually the ritual of clubbing. Once you give in there's no going back. So dancing, having tequila shots, flirting with some guy is something you have to gotta repeat like a loop so when you get exhausted, only then will you forget the worries in your life.

But there are other ways too to forget your worries, for instance you can read the holy Bible, be a social butterfly, spending quality time with your family no matter how great or pathetic they are. Nevertheless people's life, their rules. For a while I sat on the club's bar counter just so i could comprehend the whole picture that took place right infront of me. My co-workers were enjoying their life as if this opportunity wasn't going to knock soon.

Something was bugging me I don't know what exactly but something was definitely on my mind. Is someone missing in the party? Let me think.
Mom is right i have got a memory of a goldfish. Oh yes, Steven was missing from the party. Guess he is not a party animal. Or is it just me not able to find him? Well now that I am free, might as well search for him. Can't believe I literally had to squint my eyes to search him. And ofcourse club's disco lights were lending a helping hand to the devil. My eyes might be beautiful but they don't work.

Bingo! i found him, and there he was sitting alone in a corner, immersed in his phone. Is he a loner like me too? Guess he is. Now that I think of it, i never saw him dance. I wonder how he grooves like. Guess he is not a Playboy too? The way wannabe girls were throwing themselves at Steven wasn't grabbing his attention. Traits of a Sigma male, incredible. Should I approach him & save him? Nah, why should I? He warned me before not to meddle in his life. But then he is my boss afterall.

Let him be the way he is, I don't want trouble again. But there is something enigmatic about his emerald- green eyes. Holy Jesus, why am I thinking about him again & again. He is nothing but a dick head. Alright, Erica don't overthink tonight your goal is just to have fun. I better get going now, might as well have all the fun tonight coming through my way.

While dancing, people were getting too clingy not with me but with a few colleagues of mine. Why can't people just accept the truth that girls are not comfortable when guys get creepy, touching girls in an inappropriate way thinking that people wouldn't know just because you are at the club.
Guys just can't accept no for an answer can they?

And people are quite audacious to actually ignore the wrong stuff that's taking place in right front of them. Looks like it's time for me to step in. I mean i wouldn't mind doing that. People are just asking for trouble now, then so be it. By the way did i ever mention that I was a karate prodigy? Probably not, but I know for a fact that this place was about to blow up. I am pretty sure that people aren't aware of my other badass side. Let's show them shall we?

"Hey handsome, wanna have drinks with me?" He smirked, scanning me through out with those lustful eyes. Huh what a dumbhead, he fell for my tricks.

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