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Erica's POV

I should definitely check it out before it get's worst. I am feeling anxious right now. Should I go in or not? I am literally standing in front of his cabin thinking about this bullshit. I mean I am not afraid but what if he goes crazy and do something which doesn't even make any sense. It's fine Erica just take a deep breath and head inside. Don't forget you are a tigress.

I encourage myself with this so- called motivational messages while sugar coating things about myself. Maybe I should've gone into stand-up comedian industry, I would have shined there like a star. I mean i am so funny that i could make anyone laugh with my dumb - clumsy hilarious jokes.Not to neglect the fact that I am laughing stock myself.

Erica don't overthink just go for it.
I mustered up all my courage and knocked on the door.

"Boss may I come in?" I gulp my anxiety.

"yeah come in!" He roared at me. That was definitely a wrong choice. Erica you are already in lion's den and now you can't escape from this.

"b-Boss I wanted to give you the updates about our collaboration with Mr Dillon."  I stuttered.

"What is it? Are they they up for this deal or not?" He questioned waiting for my response.

"Umm boss the manager of Mr Dillon told me that Mr Dillion wants to meet you personally so that he could discuss about our deal!" I cleared up my throat.

"And when he wants to meet?" He sighed.

"He wants to join us today for lunch."

"Awesome! I am down for it."  He uttered sipping his mocha latte.

"Great! Then I'll intimate his manager to proceed our meeting for today." I grinned.

"Go ahead!"  He exclaimed
Performing awesome hand gesture.

"Boss if you don't mind can i  ask you something?"

"Sure, Go ahead!" He replied while drafting an email on his Apple Mac Book.

"That lady who stormed out of your cabin was she your girlfriend?"  I inquired him looking all pale.

"Miss Erica don't you have anything else to do? Other than being nosy in other people's life?"  He queried crossing his arms around his chest.

"Boss I didn't mean to do that! I was just curious." I mumbled avoiding his sharp gaze.

"Miss Erica can't you do your job right? Your job is just to be my personal assistant and that's it!"
He denoted spinning his pen.

"Well I know my job i  was just concerned." I fidgeted.

"Were you really concerned for me or you wanted to spill the beans among the employees?" He asked banging on his signature office table with his palms.

I got terrified by his enraged manner
Unable to answer him at the moment.

"b-Boss my bad but it wasn't intentional at all."  I stuttered as I almost began to shed.

"Can you stop apologising? It's really annoying! I am fed up of your apologies!"  He howled as he tossed his files at me.

I was flustered at that moment to be honest.

Hiding my tears I bowed to him and said

"Boss I might not be perfect as you want me to be however i am not like other employees who yearns for gossip."

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