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Is he saying something? What is he even saying? Oh my gosh how drunk is this narcissistic? You see that's the reason why I hate wealthy people. They think they can do whatever they want to & then people like me have to suffer. If he can't handle alcohol why does he even need to drink? Forget about the miseries & tragedies?

Well that can be done by immersing yourself into your hobbies too. Now that I think of it, i wonder what Steven's hobby is. Nevertheless right now my responsibility is to drop him at this house but the problem is i don't even know where he lives. Then where do I drop him? Let me ask him for once. I mean a drunk person must be aware of his address right? This shouldn't be rocket- science. I should try asking him.

"Steven? steven? Hello?" First off this drunk people are so hard to deal with. They don't even have self control over themselves do they?and then they are  all wobbly and stuff like that. I think it's been three- to- six times since i have shook him but he is unconscious. Plus he's super bulky. He's definitely a gym freak. Ooh and his biceps are pretty much amusing too what if i just squee–––  shut up Erica! You can't let your intrusive thoughts win. Don't be such a creep. Now I have to carry him all the way.What a troublesome!

What did he even drink? He literally reeks of strong alcohol. Hold up, was it champagne or whiskey? Who even cares? But to be Frank I feel like puking now. Hold it in erica for now. You can't puke because of this stupid person. Ouch! I guess i am having a muscle pull right now. All because of you stupid narcissistic Steven!

"Nomomnof... What did you whisper now? Gosh what did he whispered now? Look at him acting like a kid. He is probably having his fun time, isn't he? How Can I make him sober? Yeah I can try if I splash drops of water on his face might as well make him sober.

Somehow I managed to carry him all the through men's washroom. Can't take him to women's washroom afterall . Wait a minute how do I open this tap? Does it open like this? Or do I have to slide my hands beneath it? Great! found one more reason why i hate clubs. Their fancy taps which are not any less than rocket- science! Gosh Steven can you not move any further? You are distracting me now. Ok i know what to do now. I placed Steven against the wall.

"Stay right here Mr wobbly. I'll figure out a way."  Saying this i patted him on his shoulders. Yayy whoosh! I finally figured out a way to open it. Thank you Jesus. I am grateful to you for that. You really are my lifesaver.

"Alright Steven, just open your e–––
Cool beans! Ehhhh! My hormones can't take it anymore. They definitely are on a spike. He darted me against the wall vigorously. Looking straight into my eyes. His eyes were bored into mine. He definitely was unconscious.
His long sharp convex nose, his cherry red flushed cheeks which were formed due to alcohol, his emerald-  green eyes, his heart shaped lips, his frowned eyebrows & his charming face was amusing for split second.

His eyes were focused on my lips as if–––  As much as i hate to admit it, he is quite a hunk for a CEO. He's definitely got the looks then why does he act cold & gloomy all the time? Is there a story behind his charming face? Keeping the fact in mind that he definitely has an enigmatic and aloof kind of aura. Was he like this in his childhood too? Who knows? But for now his lips are definitely looking tempting what if i tou–––Erica! You need to stop now.

His long eyelashes are quite adorable. Hold on a sec, why is he coming close to me? Why he is parting his lips? He isn't gonna kiss me is he? He better not do that. Argh he is coming closer to me. I can literally feel his breath. What do I do now? I have never done this. Fuck this I'll just close my eyes for now. Wait the kiss is done? So fast? I didn't even feel his lips. But hold on why do I feel heavy now? I need to seek the truth. I opened my eyes to see that Steven hugged me tightly. So he didn't kiss me? Well then what did you expect Erica? Steven to kiss you? Guys can you please shut your mouth for once? I am trying to process what just happened.

I always have this two sides of me having a conflict with each other in the back of my head. One is the angel and one is the devil Erica. The devil Erica is more notorious than the angel one. But for some reason Steven's hug was giving off warmth. This is the first time when Steven is not behaving like a cold obnoxious beast. I actually like this side of Steven more. Erica we are not supposed to like Steven remember? Duhh, I know that already zip your mouth now Erica. Alright now let's get this done with.

After tons of puking and blabbering absolute nonsense Steven Williams was put to sleep. I think I should treat myself with delicious food or something. I never knew that Steven held this side of him. But it totally felt like I was babysitting Steven. The most astonishing part of today was my mom didn't even have any objection with me bringing my boss at our house. Infact she was blushing looking at Steven. For my mom Steven is like Massimo from 365 days. She sure is a whole another vibe.

Now i should probably take a shower and go to sleep. My beauty sleep matters too. A hot shower should probably save me for the day. How do you even get sober? Oh yes, got it I know exactly what to do. On a chill day, after taking a nice and warm shower it was now time for me to cook. My cooking skills are pretty much the hook. A hot bowl of spicy
Ramyeon should quench my food thirst.

Miso soup ramen noodles are top-notch quality dish among Chinese cuisine for me. And today I happened to made it. Miso soup ramen is basically a ramen noodles broth flavored with a paste made from fermented soy beans. It's actually heaven. And it's often topped with a semi boiled egg & spring onions. So it is the best solution for your hangover.

I am a foodie for life. And I am especially head over heels for spicy food. Poor Steven. I wish he could have it but he can't. He is dozing like a pig, that too in my room! Anyhow I should also sleep. Can't believe I have to sleep in guest room. Sometimes i just wonder my step mom loves me more or Steven?

 Sometimes i just wonder my step mom loves me more or Steven?

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