-The Start Of Curiosity-

Start from the beginning

( There are 2 rooms on the left and a bathroom in the middle of them)

Clare: I can't wait to see my room *runs to her room* WOAH it's... PERFECT, thank you Y/N

Y/N: *giggles* I knew you'd love it...

Author: Y/N had done all of the interior decorating through sketches and sent them to an interior company, which she had asked to get the apartment ready beforehand...

  Clare's Room:

Clare: let's go see your room *takes a few steps* oohhh

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Clare: let's go see your room *takes a few steps* oohhh....let's just say it's very... uhh...you

Author: Y/N has a taste for simpler things whereas Clare is very girly and likes more extreme aesthetics... that's why she doesn't really like Y/N's room...

Y/N: *pats Clare's head* I knew you wouldn't like it, it's ok though as long as I like it...

Y/N's room:

 Author: the two of them started unpacking their suitcases of things that hadn't been brought along with the furniture like clothes and precious trinkets

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Author: the two of them started unpacking their suitcases of things that hadn't been brought along with the furniture like clothes and precious trinkets... giggles could be heard throughout the hall of the level their apartment was on..... There were a total of 12 apartments on every floor... These will be important later... let's resume the story...

                                  Tae's POV

Tae: *buttons up his coat so the stain that Clare gave him is not visible* uhh I don't have time to change

Author: Tae was late for their recording session, they were in the process of recording Boy With Luv...

Hoseok: Tae? Where were you, we've been waiting...

Tae: I uh... I... you know what it's a long story...

Yoongi: well guess what... we don't have time for long stories... *shoves Tae into the recording studio* now sing... *blank expression*

Tae: *in mind* ok Tae... you can do this, just forget about what a weird morning you've had...

Author: Tae was singing his lines "Listen my, my baby 나는 저 하늘을 높이 날고 있어... " ( listen my, my baby, I'm flying high in the sky )...While doing this though, he couldn't help but think about those 2 girls he saw at the park that morning... especially the one who he had kissed...

Time skip

Author: Tae is now done recording... but he's been looking quite dazed and spaced out...

Namjoon: what's on your mind Tae, you look out of it this morning...

Tae: well hyung, you see, there was this *mumbles* grrwhikssd

Namjoon: what? Girl who lives west? *tries to make out what Tae said*

Tae: No no no... *whispers* a girl whom I kissed...

Members: *they all heard* ooooh *their eyes are full of curiosity*

Jimin: and uh who might this lucky girl be... *smirks*

Tae: well I don't know actually...

JK: hyung... you're  my role model... and now you're kissing random girls who you don't even know *amazed* woah, I hope I turn out to be as cool as you one day...

Jin: JK! If I catch you kissing girls, there's gonna be major consequences... *stern eyes looking at JK*

JK: *looks down* yes Hyung

Tae: guys it wasn't like that, what do you take me for? It was an accident...

Jimin: oh yeah because it's possible to accidentally kiss someone * 🙄 *

Tae: It's true, you see what happened was...

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