Chapter 47

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After Three days later...

At hospital....

Three days had passed since that fateful accident. The sterile hospital ward was filled with the disheartening hum of machines, and an air of uncertainty hung heavily in the room. The door creaked open, revealing a figure on the threshold, their face etched with worry. It was a person: a loved one, anxious and heartbroken. They took hesitant steps, their eyes fixed on the bed where their unconscious companion lay, covered in monitors.

"Doctor," the person softly called out, their voice filled with a mix of hope and despair. The doctor turned toward them, their expression filled with empathy. "How is she?" the person inquired, their voice trembling with anticipation.

The doctor motioned for them to step outside the ward, seeking privacy for the grave discussion that was to come. "Still," the doctor began, their voice gentle yet tinged with uncertainty, "she is in the process of recovery. However, I must emphasize that we cannot predict when she will awaken, if at all."

Tears welled up in the person's eyes once again, their heart heavy with a profound ache. The doctor's words brought a solemn realization, shattering the fragile glimmer of hope they had desperately clung to. "Can... can I see her?" the person asked, their voice barely a whisper. The doctor nodded in understanding, silently guiding them back into the ward.

They approached the bed tentatively, the sight of their beloved lying motionless stirring an overwhelming sorrow within. Gently, they pulled up a chair, its legs scraping softly against the tiled floor as they settled down beside the bed. With trembling hands, they reached out and took hold of the limp, unresponsive hand that lay beside them.

Alone in the somber room, scenes of cherished memories flooded the person's mind. Soft laughter, her mischief nature, and heartfelt conversations filled their thoughts. They whispered words of encouragement, their voice quivering with emotion, as if their words alone could bridge the divide between consciousness and oblivion.

"I'm here," they murmured, their voice quivering with vulnerability. "Please come back to me, i miss. I need you. We have so much left to do together, so many dreams to fulfill."

Their words hung in the air like a fragile thread, connecting their soul to the sleeping form before them. Memories intertwined with hopes and fears, twisting into a melange of longing.

Silence permeated the room, interrupted only by the ceaseless beeping of the machines. It was in that eerie stillness that the person found solace—an unspoken connection in the quiet yet profound moments shared with their beloved.

As the hours passed, the room remained enveloped in an almost sacred silence. Time seemed to stand still, suspended in the agony of uncertainty. Nevertheless, the person held steadfastly onto the hand that lay in their own, their touch offering warmth and reassurance.

In the depth of their despair, a single tear escaped, silently trailing down their cheek. It carried with it a chorus of emotions—love, worry, and an unyielding determination to stand by their loved one's side, even when the outcome was far from certain.

Night fell, painting the room in a soft, shadowy hue as stars twinkled outside the window, mirroring the person's flickering hope. They sighed, their voice laden with fatigue and devotion, "Rest well, I'll still be here when you wake, waiting to welcome you back with all my heart."  Pia whispered softly, pressing a gentle kiss on her sister's forehead. She could feel tears welling up in her eyes, not only from the pain of the situation but also from the deep anger and hatred she felt towards one person.

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