chapter 45

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Hours passed, Misha was standing on the edge, her emotions swirling like a raging storm within her. The phone call Abhay got from unknown had left her shaken and worried for Pia's safety. She knew she had to keep her composure, but the fear of losing her sister was eating her up inside.

Inspector Raghav sensed Misha distress and knew they had to act quickly. "I understand how you feel, Misha. We are trying our best to locate Pia. We will find her."

Misha nodded, her determination renewed. "We have to find her soon, Inspector. Alina is a dangerous woman, and I fear for Pia's life in her hands."

The police team had been researching and gathering information about Alina's whereabouts. They knew she had a hideout somewhere in the outskirts of the city, but the exact location remained a mystery. They had been conducting raids at several suspected locations throughout the day, but luck had not been on their side.

As the evening settled in, Misha's anxiety grew, and she prayed fervently for Pia's safety. She clung to the hope that her friend was strong and would find a way to escape from Alina's clutches.

Just as Misha started to lose hope, her phone buzzed, breaking the tension in the room. The number displayed was unknown. Suspicion mixed with curiosity flooded her mind as she answered the call.

"Who is this?" she demanded, her voice laced with anger and apprehension.

The voice on the other end was familiar, but it sent chills down her spine. It was Sid, the very man they had been trying to capture. His voice was laced with arrogance as he spoke, his words intended to provoke and intimidate.

"I hope you still want to see your sister alive, Misha. If you want her back, come alone to the abandoned warehouse near the old port in one hour."

Misha anger boiled over, the intensity of her emotions propelling her to shout back at Sid, no longer able to contain her frustration and fear.

"Don't you dare Sid! I won't leave you if something happens to her!"

Misha extended the phone toward Inspector Raghav, letting him listen to Sid's threat. Inspector Raghav's face hardened, and he immediately dialed the necessary backup, instructing his team to trace the call and prepare for a swift operation.

Without missing a beat, Misha blurted out, "We need to find Pia soon," emphasizing the urgency of the situation.

Inspector Raghav nodded, relief evident in his eyes. "We will, Misha. We have a lead now. We will do everything in our power to bring Pia back safely."

With renewed hope, the police team intensified the search efforts, rallying their resources to save Pia. The countdown began as the minutes ticked away quickly. Misha heart pounded in her chest as she prepared herself mentally for the risky mission ahead.


Pia sat in the lavish room, her heart pounding with anticipation and fear. The room exuded an eerie elegance, with intricate patterns on the walls and luxurious silk drapes hanging from the ceiling. It was evident that Alina had spared no expense in creating her hideout.

The large, well-built man stood near the door, his eyes trained on Pia, not allowing her even a moment of respite. Pia had tried countless times to escape, but each attempt had been met with superior strength and skill. Her body ached, her mind weary from the constant struggle. She knew her chances of escaping were slim, but she held onto a sliver of hope, relying on Abhay and Malisha to come to her rescue.

Suddenly, the door swung open, and Alina sauntered into the room. Her blonde hair cascaded down her shoulders, and her eyes gleamed with malicious intent. She wore a wicked smile on her lips as she approached Pia.

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