Champaign Confetti

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(Just a funny a story. ⚠️  But the content may disturb some readers.  If you are ready, you can read it. You have been warned)

Jungkook was at a party after his successful new song. There were lot of people attending the party and Jungkook is pretty drunk. His walk was wobbly. As time goes by the flashing, sparkly lights are hurting his eyes and the loud music is too much for him. He wanted to take a break.

He walked out of the party hall and headed to the garden. The hotel, where the party was going on seems to be old fashioned or it could really be old and they didn't renovated it. But can't complain because the garden was beautiful at that night time with few lamps at the corner and there was a  maze in the garden. Jungkook took a walk. The cold breeze is creasing his neck, making him shiver. It felt like the wind is inviting him to the maze.

His steps were not steady. He leaned on the garden maze wall and with the help of it he started walking forward. He doesn't know where he was going he just went wherever his feet took him. Minutes went by. The end of the maze was no were to be seen. He thought of giving up but he was stubborn. He took few more turn in the maze.

The path seemed familiar, he has been walking in the same direction again and again. He finally gave up and decided to call for help. He searched his pockets for his phone but couldn't find. He started panicking. He is getting sober because he is scared there is no escape. 

He walked faster and faster, and he  started running. He decided to follow a pattern. 
"Okay, left and right " He ran straight untel he get a left turn. Once he took a left turn he ran until he found right turn but every time he takes a 2 left there is a dead end. It was night and there is no one around. The light is getting dimmer. His heart beats  faster. He couldn't hear anything except for his heartbeat. He calmed himself. "Alright, let me change the pattern, left, right, right, repeat " now the new pattern feels like it is taking him forward.

After few minutes of running, he stopped when he saw the sign. "The wish well " he read it in between his heavy breaths. He raised his head and saw what's it's front of him. It was an old well with little bit of water in it. It seemed worn out. He walked towards it. "Lookes like I reached the center of the maze" he breathed out. He looked in to the water, the water was deep in the well and it was shimmering under the moon light.

It looked beautiful,there were no one around, his surrounding was completely silent.  It was very peaceful. He smiled and searched for a coin in his pocket. He had none and felt sad. His eyes automatically searched around the ground and found.  He took it and threw it into the well. He listened carefully for the coin to hit the water. With in few seconds he heard a splash sound. With a satisfied smile, he said,

" I wish to experience champagne confetti at least once "

He felt proud for asking that to the "wish well". He was smirking and started walking to get out of the well. As he was walking, he could feel the winds force getting stronger and stronger.  The wind was howling in his ears. He couldn't walk forward, the wind was talking him along, with each step. " Uh..  hu... what's going on..."

The heavy wind turned into a small tornado.  Jungkook cannot see anything, he is struggling to walk, he closed his eyes tightly and scrunched his face, he stepped on the ground firmly with his hands in front of his face, blocking the wind. After few minutes the howling stopped and the wind that was pushing him calmed. He slowly opened his eyes it was morning and found himself on his bed.

" Fuck...., what a crazy dream. It felt so real, i could feel my face dry because of the wind and sand"

He stretched and moaned on his bed because his whole body hurts. He slowly raised and sat. He took his phone and saw there were so many missed calls and text messages.  Every message is from his friend and colleagues asking him his whereabouts.

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