Shh, its ok. I changed the sheets.

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⚠️ warning ⚠️ : bed wetting

Namjoon: University student (senior)

Jungkook: University student (junior)

Jungkook is a shy kid. He was comfortable in his school, but he has to come out of his comfort zone as he has graduated. Even though he got in his dream collage, he was so nervous. Today's the first day of university, he is trying to keep a low profile, doesn't want to get anyone's attention. He kept his head down and walked towards his class. Didn't make any eye contact with any one.

As he was walking, suddenly he his head hit a broad back. Jungkook raised his head to see what he hit. There was a tall handsome guy standing in front of him wearing a cream colored shirt with folded sleeves up to his elbow. The tall guy looked at Jungkook with a playful smile.

"You ok?"

As much as Jungkook didn't want to grab any attention, he got all the attention from all the students around him. The tall guy seems to be popular. Some of the students glared at Jungkook, and some were having a shocked expression and some were smirking.

"I'm, sorry"

Jungkook bowed and ran into his class. He took a seat at the back row. He couldn't concentrate at any of the classes. He has no idea what was going on in his class. All his classmates were giving him cold glares as if he just stole their boyfriend. He couldn't make any friends. But that's fine too because he wanted to keep a low profile.

After he finished his classes for today, he went to his dorm. He opened the door. Obviously he has a roommate, but what he didn't expect is, 'the thighs'. Holy shit.... there was a dude sitting on his bed wearing only boxers and nothing more. Jungkook can see his roommate's wide shoulders and toned chest and his fine biceps, but all he wants to see is the thighs, the muscular thighs like a bull. He cant help but stare at it. Jungkook is drooling and dreaming of biting it.

"oh hey! you must be Jungkook. I'm your roommate. Names Namjoon. I'm your senior so you can call me hyung. come on in"

A sudden voice alerted Jungkook that he is not alone and the thighs he has been staring at belongs to a human being who is very much alive. His eyes went from his roommates thighs to his face.' oh no, it's the same guy I crashed on this morning. why are every bad thing happening to me today.' Jungkook thought to himself.

"Hi, I'm Jungkook. I'm a first-year student. Nice to meet you Hyung." Jungkook bowed and went in to place his belongings and wondering where his bed is. Jungkook turned to face Namjoon with a questioning look, "where is my bed Hyung?"

" About that, first years will be coming to their dorms on next Monday. you are four days early, so your things are not arranged yet. you will have a bed, a table, and a chair of your own on Monday. I'm afraid we have to share my bed until you get yours." Namjoon replied.

"oh okay, thank you. I hope i wont make you uncomfortable".

"its alright. come on lets go get our dinner. let me put on some cloths before we go."

they both went to have their dinner and had a chat. they talked about their majors and Namjoon gave some advice on how to prepare for the exams and stuff. Jungkook seemed comfortable with his senior.

"come on jungkook, its getting late. lets go sleep. i have morning class at 8."

"okay, hyung"

They both tucked themselves under namjoon's blanket. jungkook feels weird to share the same bed with his roommate because its been a while since he shared his bed with others. But for Namjoon, its not the case, he is used to his friends sleep on his bed when they comeover for late night studies and games nights. So namjoon was quite comfortable and drifted to sleep. But jungkook is having hard time sleeping.

Namkook smut OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon