Sex Doll

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It was a lazy day, Namjoon doesn't want to work today. He was just lying on his bed with his laptop surfing the internet. He is so bored, nothing seems interesting. He decided to watch some movies, he didn't care what kind of movie, he just clicked a random website. He was reading the movie description, and suddenly so many popup advertisements popped up, he couldn't even close them, they are taking him to some unknown websites and so many tabs opened on their own. He got so annoyed, and threw his laptop away, but the last advertisement that popped up caught Namjoon's eyes.

The screen says 'For sale'. The thing which was on sale was a beautiful cute little doll. The doll's face was so pretty, with blush cheeks, a shiny nose, and plump pouty lips. They dressed the doll in a pink crop top and white ripped jeans. It had perfect long legs, wearing pink sneakers. The doll was adorable, probably made of silicon because it looks so soft and squishy. As much as Namjoon adores the doll, his heart aches. Everything about the doll was perfect except... the eyes. The doll's eyes were big and shiny but they did not have liveliness. The doll in the picture stared Namjoon dead in the eyes as if it could see his soul. The doll looks sad and lonely, it feels like it's trying to escape from a void. Even though the doll's eyes made Namjoon uneasy and an unknown pain in his heart, he felt like he should buy the doll and keep it with him on his desk and look at the doll every day and talk to it. He wants to tell the doll that it's safe with him as if it would feel anything.

Namjoon decided to buy it, so he clicked on the popup Ad. It took him to a page where he can place the order. He filled in every detail needed to place an order. It's time to pay.

"Hmm... How much is it? once, tens, hundre- ...the hell?? it has six digits!! Damn! "

Did the price stop Namjoon? It did surprise him but did not stop him. He paid for the doll and placed the order. He received a message saying the item he ordered will be delivered to the mentioned address in 3 days.

He has been looking at the window, ever since he placed the order. He is waiting for the doll to come home. He couldn't concentrate on his work, all his thoughts were around the doll and its eyes. He is tracking his order every five minutes. His mind is going crazy. Finally, it was Sunday, these past three days have been hectic for him. All his energy has been drained. He decided to take some rest. As he lay on his bed, it was like heaven, he slowly closed his eyes and tried to sleep. Right when he was about to fall sleep, he had a message on his phone. He was slightly annoyed and decided to ignore it. He closed his eyes again. Something about the message has been disturbing him and he could not relax. so he took his phone and checked what the message was about.

"Dear customer, your order has been delivered. Thank you for choosing us. We hope you will enjoy our product. Have a great day"

"Woah! it came!"

Namjoon hurried to his doorstep to take it in. Finally, he opened the door and was surprised.

"There must be a mistake"

Why did Namjoon think there was a mistake? He did see a package on his doorstep. But what made him concerned is... the size of the package. The package was huge. The height almost reached Namjoon's belly button. He checked the bill pasted on the box and matched it with the order number he has on his phone. It looks like he got what he ordered.

"Did they send me the doll house too? Was that why the price is too high? or is the doll too big"

He picked up the package to take it in. Man, it was too heavy, he gave up the idea of picking it up. So he pushed the package in. He dragged it with both his hands, inch by inch to his hall. Damn, his forehead and shoulders were covered with sweat. Anyways, it's time to open the package. He ripped the sticky tape around the package with his bare hands. It was quite a lot of work. After ripping all the tape, he opened the box and looked inside. There it is, the same doll that he saw on the internet sitting inside the box, it was wearing a pink crop top and white jeans, pink sneakers, cute pouty lips, blush cheeks, and .... the same eyes. The eyes are staring dead into Namjoon's eyes, he doesn't understand the expression the eyes are emitting. Is it sadness, or emptiness or is it anger, or misery? He doesn't know. But the eyes are attracting Namjoon like a magnet, he kept looking at the eyes. Namjoon's eyes widened with utter shock as the doll's eyes blinked for a second. He threw himself away from the box and screamed at the top of his lungs.

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