Chapter 32

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Daenerys makes an appearance. She and Lyanna talk. Decisions are made during a small council meeting. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

3 days later.

Lyanna had chosen her clothing carefully, making sure her red and gold gown reflected her status as the future queen. Her hair was piled up on top of her head, curls falling around her face. The tiara Jaime had gifted her after Jason and Joanna's birth adorned her head. The gold necklace with the large sapphire Tywin had gifted her for her last name day around her neck. She made sure everything about her was impeccable, nothing could be left to chance, and she could not show any weakness.

After inviting Daenerys Targaryen to Kings Landings Lyanna had attempted to learn as much as she could about the other woman, what she found out was not reassuring in the least. Daenerys Targaryen had a hard life, running from Robert Baratheon and the assassins he had sent after her. Her brother had sold her to a Dothraki Khal, who had died not too long after they were wed. She had also lost a child. Lyanna could not help but feel for her, Daenerys was two years older than her but had lived a much harder life. Lyanna had also learned that the woman was very idealistic and she took the smallest display of kindness as adoration. In her mind, Daenerys believed she had come to save Westeros. Apparently, the woman had not realized that Westeros did not need to be saved, at least not in that instance.

Lyanna tensed when a large shadow covered the sky and a roar was heard. A few minutes later a large black dragon landed, letting out a loud roar. She had to stop herself from taking a step back, she would not be weak. The small woman who climbed off the dragon's back was not what she was expecting. Daenerys Targaryen was a small woman, with silver hair and large eyes. She approached them with sure steps, a look of dislike in her eyes, which turned into hate when she looked at Jaime. Lyanna could not blame the woman for disliking her husband, however mad the old king was he was still her father. A pretty dark-skinned woman followed after the Targaryen, clearing her throat when Daenerys stopped in front of Tywin.

"You stand in the presence of Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, rightful heir to the Iron Throne, rightful Queen of the Andals, and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms, the Mother of Dragons, the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the Unburnt, the Breaker of Chains." The woman's voice was clear, not even stopping to breathe as she recited all the titles.

"Well, that was a mouthful." Jaime let out a laugh, ignoring Lyanna's glare. "Do you always make her say all that when she introduces you? That must be exhausting."

"Welcome to Kings Landings, Lady Targaryen." Lyanna saw Daenerys tense at Tywin's word. She was upset the king had not recognized her titles. "We are glad you decided to come."

"Thank you, my lord." Daenerys's smile was strained. She turned to Jaime, no smile on her face this time. "I am glad to finally meet the man who murdered my father."

"Well, your father was a terrible king and also mad." Jaime's smile did not leave his face as she stared down the small woman. "Maybe you would have preferred I allowed him to live and burn half a million people just for the fun of it."

"I was under the impression we were here to discuss the threat that was coming." Lyanna did not want to be caught in a battle of wills between her husband and the Targaryen woman. The longer she was close to the dragon the more nervous she got. "How about we all retire to the Red Keep? Lady Targaryen, I have prepared chambers for you to rest, and also for your attendant."

"Thank you, Lady Lannister." The woman's smile was amused as she looked at her.

"Princess." Daenerys looked back at Oberyn, who was standing close by. "Her proper title is princess, as she is married to the heir of the iron throne and one day will be queen."

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