Chapter 23

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Jaime mades a decision and it is a hard one. This will be a sad chapter. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

Jaime touched his face, which was still tender from his father's hit. Jaime had to admit his father was still a very strong man and hit harder than Jaime thought he would. He still flinched every time he remembered the look of disgust in his father's eyes. That was the first time Tywin had ever looked at him that way. Jaime had been finally doing things the right way, making his father proud, and then all of that had been taken away from him in just a few minutes. His sister had wrecked everything he had been working for in the past few moons with just a few words. He was now more ashamed than ever of having fallen for Cersei's manipulations. He could not help the disgust that filled his stomach when he thought about all the times he had fucked his sister.
The only good thing that had come from his relationship with Cersei were Myrcella and Tommen. He could not even count Joffrey, because that boy had been a horrible mistake. Jaime shuddered when he imagined Joffrey as king, all the destruction and mayhem he would have caused had he had the chance to take the throne. Tommen and Myrcella would be the ones to pay for Cersei and Jaime's mistakes.
He had gone to see Tommen after what happened with his father, the small boy had been scared and worried. The first thing out of Tommen's mouth had been to ask him why Tywin was so upset. Jaime did not know what to answer, he could not tell Tommen the real reason his father had been close to murdering him. He could not imagine how hurt Tommen would be if Jaime admitted the truth to him. He could not believe Cersei would risk their children's lives this way. How could she be so selfish?
"You brood a lot." Jaime raised his eyes at the amused tone in Cersei's voice and found her smiling. "Is something on your mind?"
"What were you thinking when you told our father about us?" Jaime glared at the woman he had thought himself in love with for so many years. "Do you have any idea of the position you put us in? The danger you put Myrcella and Tommen in?"
"They will be fine." She rolled her eyes and poured herself a cup of wine. Jaime's eyes narrowed as he watched his sister drink the entire cup and pour herself some more. "You know our father will not allow his precious legacy to be tarnished. He will not do anything and as long he gives me what I want I will keep my mouth shut."
"And what do you want?"
"I want my position back." Cersei sat across from him, downing half her cup before staring at him. "Our father took advantage of a child that did not know any better."
"Tommen did not want to be king. He has been happier these past few moons than in his entire life." Jaime shook his head. "Do not blame this on our father or Tommen, this is about what you want. Your desire for power has consumed you and you do not care about anything but that ugly chair."
"I have sacrificed myself for that chair, you do not know the things that I had to go through." She drank the rest of her wine before serving herself more. "You were given everything just because you had the luck to be born with a cock between your legs. I have had to claw for everything I have. Nothing has ever been gifted to me."
"It amazes me how you rewrite history to excuse your heinous acts." His sister always had that gift, convinced herself of things that had not happened. "You never lacked for anything, our father always gave you everything. You had the best gowns, the best jewels, the best food. And when that was not enough he made you a queen. What more did you want?"
"The Rock should have been mine, I was born first, it is mine by right."
"Is that what this is about?" He could not believe he had been so blind, she had manipulated him into being with her because she believed his inheritance was hers. "We are not Dornish, it does not matter that you were born first because you are a woman. You know perfectly well that sons inherit before daughters. Even if I had not been born Tyrion would be the next Lord of Casterly Rock."
"That dwarf does not deserve anything." Cersei had always hated Tyrion, just like their father she blamed him for their mother's death. His sister downed her cup once more. "I will be queen once more, mark my words."
Jaime did not say anything, just sat there and waited. He could not believe someone who looked so much like his mother could behave the exact opposite. Joanna Lannister had been a sweet and gentle soul, who always had a kind word for those around her. Cersei on the other hand was bitter and cruel. She could not be happy unless other people were miserable. Jaime was sure even if Cersei were to be able to become queen she would not be happy. She would always want more power, and she would tear the seven kingdoms apart to get it.
No one would be safe as long as Cersei was alive, no Tommen, Myrcella, his brother, his father, not even himself. But most importantly, Lyanna and their child would not be safe. He had not wanted this, that was the reason he had given his father the confession he got from Pycelle. He had wanted his father to send her far away, that way they would not be in danger and his sister might have been able to find someone she loved. But Cersei did not want love and happiness, she wanted power. She had pushed him against the wall and gave her no other choice.
Jaime saw the moment Cersei realized something was not right. Her breathing grew shallower and her eyes started to drop. She looked confused for a moment before glaring at him, betrayal on his face.
"What have you done?" Her voice was low, her words slurred and her breathing was heavier.
"I am sorry, this is not what I wanted, but you gave me no choice." Tears ran down his face as she fell to the floor. "I am sorry, I did not want to do this. I did not want things to end this way."
Jaime sat on the ground, placing Cersei's head on his lap. Tears ran down his face as he ran a hand over her head. He could feel his heart break as his sister died in his arms. He had chosen the most gentle poison, not wanting Cersei to suffer more than she had to. For so long he had believed it was just the two of them against the world. She had always been there, always been with him. He might not love her as a woman, but she was still his sister and he had killed her. It did not matter that he had done it to protect the rest of his family, the end result was the same. Cersei was dead and he was the one to blame.
He stayed with her for an hour, before kissing her forehead and standing up. Jaime dumped the wine in the fireplace and placed the vial containing sweetsleep on the table, close to the cup Cersei had been drinking out of. He made sure everything was in order as he opened the hidden door to the secret passage. Jaime dried his tears looking at his sister once more before leaving her chambers and closing the door behind him. 

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