Chapter 18

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Lyanna and Tywin meet with Stannis. Jaime sees something that makes him wake up. Things get a little frisky in the last part of the chapter. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

Lyanna was close to pulling out her hair, she had never met two men as stubborn as the two she was sitting with. They had been discussing things for the past hour and were no closer to a resolution. While Stannis was more than happy to remain as Master of Ships, he was not too convinced about Tywin being king. Stannis wanted Storms End in exchange for his support. The two men had been snipping at each other for the past hour and Lyanna had not stopped rolling her eyes. She hated being in the middle, she wanted to knock both men over the head and just be done with it.
"Lord Stannis, Tommen is the rightful heir to the Storm Lands." Tywin glared at the other man. "I cannot grant you Storms End."
"But we all know that Tommen is not Robert's son." Lyanna let out a sigh, this was not going to be pretty. "From what I have heard he is Cersei and Jaime's child, just like Joffrey and Myrcella."
"How dare you?" Tywin would have set the other man on fire if he could.
"Gentleman." Lyanna glared at both men, tired of this petty fight. She looked at Stannis, her mouth set in a tight line. "Lord Stannis, you have no proof for the accusations you have made. No one can prove that Cersei's children are not Robert's, so I would be very thankful if you would not repeat baseless rumors. We are not taking Tommen's inheritance away."
She felt guilty knowing that Stannis spoke the truth, but knowing she could not grant him the Storm Lands without causing a scandal. Stannis deserved his inheritance, but she could not agree with Stannis without placing Tommen and Marcella's lives in danger and that was something she would not do. But there had to be something they could do.
"We might be able to reach a compromise." Both Tywin and Stannis looked intently at her. "Lord Stannis, Tommen is my husband's squire. He wants to be a knight and will be training for the next few years. If King Tywin is agreeable you could take care of the Storm Lands until Tommen is ready to take over."
"And what about my daughter?" Stannis did not look away from her. "Shireen is my heir, she should inherit what is rightfully hers."
"I wanted to speak to you about your daughter. I would like to take her in as my lady-in-waiting." Stannis seemed surprised that she had been thinking about his daughter. "While you are here serving as Master of Ships, I could be helpful to your daughter and she and Tommen might get to know each other."
"Know each other?" Tywin and Stannis said at the same time.
"We could see if they are agreeable and might be able to betrothed them in the future." Stannis and Tywin looked thoughtful. "If they are compatible and wed then Shireen would become the Lady of Storms End and her children would be the future Lords and Ladies of the Storm Lands."
"A betrothal would be acceptable," Stannis said while looking at Tywin.
"I am not saying they will be betrothed immediately." Lyanna wanted to make it clear that this was not a sure thing. "I will not have them betrothed if they are not compatible."
"When has that ever mattered?" Stannis frowned while Tywin sat back, her good father knew her well enough to know she would not give in. "Betrothals have never been made because the two people liked each other. It is about what is best for the family."
"Is it?" Lyanna's eyes narrowed and she saw the way Stannis swallowed. "Tell me, my Lord. How successful was your marriage? I was told it was set up for the good of your family."
Tywin coughed and Lyanna knew that he was attempting to hide his laughter. Tywin enjoyed when she made other lords uncomfortable, or when she gave them a dressing down. Jaime found it hilarious how much pleasure his father took from her making people quake in their boots.
"Are you going to tell me what happened between you and Margaery Tyrell?" Jaime frowned at Tyrion. His brother just smiled at him. "She has been on a warpath since speaking to you the night before. And I swear her gowns have gotten more revealing, I thought some of the lords were going to collapse when she walked by this morning."
"She wants to be queen no matter what." Jaime shook his head, wanting to laugh at how predictable Margaery was. "Last night she said she wanted to get to know me better and she did not take it well when I made it clear I had no interest in knowing her at all. She got very upset going on about how desirable she was."
"Oh, Gods." Tyrion laughed. "And I am sure you did not agree with her comment."
"I told her the truth. I said that she was pretty," Jaime smirked. "But at the end of the day, she was no match for my wife. No one is."
"That is true. Lyanna is incomparable." Tyrion sighed, giving Jaime a jealous look. "You are a very lucky man."
Jaime was aware of this. He had no idea how Lyanna had been able to forgive him after everything she knew about him. She loved his children like they were hers and was protective of them. She was also protective of him, always making sure he had eaten, and that he was not working too hard. He loved that she worried about him, no one had ever worried about him before. He was not sure if he should like the way she fuzzed over him, but he did.
"And it seems we are not the only ones who think so." Jaime frowned at Tyrion who gestured with his head towards the gardens.
Jaime walked closer to the balcony looking towards the gardens where Lyanna was walking with Stannis Baratheon. Her teal gown flowed around her as she moved down the path, not even noticing the people looking at her. She said something to Stannis who let out a laugh, making Jaime's eyebrows raise. He did not even know Stannis could laugh, he had never seen him laugh. He attempted to think back to a time when Stannis had even smiled and could not remember. Now the other man was not just smiling, but laughing, with Jaime's wife.
He felt his heart clench in his chest when he saw Lyanna smile at the Lord, touching his arm for a moment. He had never been jealous of anyone but Cersei and even then it had not been like this. With Cersei, it had been more annoyance than anything else. Looking at Lyanna with Stannis now it felt like his heart was being squeezed. He wanted to beat Stannis until his face was unrecognizable. Jaime was used to other men looking at Lyanna, lusting after her, but she had never given any indication of being interested in other men. She barely looked at them and she certainly did not touch them. He never imagined he would have to worry about Stannis Baratheon.
Jaime's hands clenched on the balcony railing when he saw Stannis offer his arm to Lyanna. He wanted to yell at her not to take it but stopped himself. He could have screamed when he saw Lyanna take the older man's arm, smiling at something he was saying. Jaime had known Stannis for years and knew that the man was not amusing in the least, he did not see a reason for Lyanna to be smiling and laughing with him. 

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