Chapter 31

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More news from Daenerys. Jaime gets a bit frisky with Lyanna. We get see Lyarra's POV again. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

"I received a raven today." Lyanna looked up from the document she had been studying and frowned at her good father. "From Daenerys Targaryen."
"She finally answered?" Tywin nodded. "What did she say?"
"She wants to come to Kings Landing." Lyanna could not help but tense, she did not know what the Targaryen woman had planned, but she was sure it was not to become friends. "She wants to see the proof we have before she commits to anything."
"Are you thinking of allowing her to come?"
"Yes, we need to see what we are up against." Tywin handed her the letter he received from Daenerys. "She has Dothraki warriors, the unsullied, and dragons. We should see what she has planned."
"Fine, I will write to her and invite her to Kings Landing."
For the next thirty minutes, Lyanna and Tywin worked on what would be needed with most of the major lords present in Kings Landing. They also had to decide where the presentation of the wight would be taking place. They had to make sure it was somewhere open and that had enough room for everyone. Tywin then was called away by one of the knights, leaving her alone in the small council chambers.
Lyanna would not lie and say she was excited about Daenerys Targaryen's impending visit. While she was curious about the Targaryen woman, just like everyone else, part of her wished the woman had stayed on the other side of the narrow sea. While she understood dragons would be needed for this fight, she was also afraid of what they could do. Westeros had fallen to Dragons once and it had taken over three hundred years for them to be overthrown. The only reason the war against the Targaryens had been won was because they did not possess dragons any longer. But now there was a new Targaryen woman, and this one commanded not one, but three dragons. How were they supposed to fight against that?
"One day that frown will be etched permanently on your face." Lyanna jumped at the sound of Jaime's voice, lifting her head from the paper she had been staring at, but had not read a word of it. "I did not mean to scare you."
"You did not, I just did not hear you come in." Lyanna looked at the doors, which were closed before looking back at her husband. "I am actually thankful for the interruption, all the words were starting to blend together."
"Well, I am glad I came looking for you."
"Is something the matter?"
"You mean besides the fact that I have barely seen you in the past four days?" Lyanna flinched, even though Jaime's voice was not accusatory she still felt badly. She had been so busy she would get to her chambers when he was asleep and most of the time she would be awake and gone before him. She felt guilty for barely spending time with her family these past few days. Jaime helped her stand up, before sitting on the chair she had previously occupied and pulling her onto his lap. "I have missed you."
She did not have a chance to answer, his mouth taking hers in a hungry kiss. Lyanna cupped Jaime's face, her tongue licking the inside of his mouth. She had missed him also, missed having him touch her and make love to her. She missed laying in bed, next to his warm body. Jaime's hand moved to the skirts of her gown, lifting it until his hand touched the bare skin of her leg and moved up. His other hand worked on the back of her gold gown, loosening the ties until it fell to her waist, freeing her breasts. His mouth immediately left hers, moving down her body and taking a nipple into his mouth. One of the things Lyanna had learned about her husband was that he loved her breasts, he would spend hours kissing and sucking them if she let him.
"Jaime." Her voice broke as he slid his fingers through her wetness, one long finger entering her as his mouth sucked harder. "Some... anyone could come in. Your father should be back any moment."
"And?" He added a second finger, pumping hard as he licked and nipped at her neck. You are my wife, I can have you if I wish and you have denied me long enough."
"I di..." She moaned louder, her hips rocking against his fingers. "I did not do it on purpose. I am sorry."
"Oh, you will be." He sucked on a spot behind her ear, making her eyes roll as his fingers pumped harder. Lyanna whimpered when Jaime took his fingers away, her eyes widened when he placed his fingers in his mouth, sucking her juices off of them. Then his hands were on her waist, manipulating her body until she was straddling him. He had already untied his trousers and was stroking his cock as their bodies pressed closer. "I want you to sit on my cock, taking it into your tight little cunt, and ride me."
Lyanna's eyes were still wide as she looked at her husband, while Jaime was a vocal lover, he had never been so dominating with her. She enjoyed it, especially when he moved her until the tip of his cock was pressed to her entrance. He did not do anything, staring into her eyes as she lowered her hips, her mouth falling open as his cock entered her. One of Lyanna's hands moved to the back of his neck, their eyes never looking away from each other. Lyanna's nails dug into the back of Jaime's neck as his cock bottomed out, the stretch burnt, but felt very pleasurable. She had to stop for a moment, her forehead resting against his as she took deep breaths.
"Move." Jaime's voice was strained, it almost sounded harsh. Then Lyanna jumped a bit when one of his hands landed on her bottom, the smack echoing across the room. "I said move."
Lyanna's moan was loud as she rocked her hips, impaling herself on his cock over and over again. She moved her hips faster, up and down, rotating them a bit. Jaime's breathing was ragged, his fingers digging into her hips as he helped her move over him. His eyes moved down her neck, zeroing in on her bouncing breasts. Lyanna's lips parted in a small cry when his lips closed over one nipple, sucking hard until her hips bounced frantically. Her channel spasmed around his cock, milking him and she could feel him get even harder.
Lyanna's fingers tangled in his hair, pulling back his head and slamming her mouth over his as her orgasm slammed into her, tipping Jaime over the edge. Both their hips kept rocking against each other until every remnant of her orgasm had been wrung out of her. Lyanna fell on Jaime's chest, smiling as he kissed the top of her head and his hands ran up and down her back.
"I needed that." Lyanna let out a laugh, raising her head and looking at her smiling husband. "I was about to steal you away."
"I do not think your father would be too happy if you stole his hand." She kissed him softly, moaning when he deepened the kiss. "The.."
"Are you two finished?" Lyanna let out a squeak, climbing off Jaime's lap while attempting to right her gown. Tywin sounded annoyed as he banged on the door a few times. Lyanna glared at Jaime when he let out a chuckle, rightening his clothes and helping tie her gown. Once they were both presentable, Jaime opened the doors, smirking as Tywin walked in and glared at him. "You do realize this is the small council chambers, not somewhere you are supposed to have your marital activities?"
"This is all your doing." Jaime was not the least bit apologetic as he smiled at his father. "You have been keeping my wife so occupied I have barely seen her in days."
"We are working."
"So was I." Lyanna glared at Jaime as he continued smiling amusingly at his father. "You always say how it is my duty to give the Lannisters heirs. I was following your advice and working on it. You should be proud."
"Go away." Lyanna was sure her face was bright red as she glared at her husband. "I will see you in a few hours."
Jaime still looked amused as he walked up to her and took her mouth in a lustful kiss. They were both panting by the time he pulled away, giving her and Tywin and mocking salute before walking out.
"You are aware I heard most of what you did in here?" Tywin was looking at her amusedly. "Your moans could be heard from down the halls."
"Oh, Gods." She could not help but flinch, she was going to kill Jaime. "Can you please forget it?"
"I cannot." Tywin smiled when she glared at him, lifting his hands in front of him. "I do not mean what I heard. I cannot forget what Jaime said, it is true I have kept you extremely busy for the past few days. You barely had time to rest."
"We have been busy, this are difficult times."
"I know, which is why you should enjoy whatever peace we have left with your family." Tywin's smile was gentle. "You have done enough for today, go and spend time with your family."
"What will you do?"
"I will work from my chambers." His smile became amused once more. "After I call a maid to clean these chambers from top to bottom."
Lyanna almost ran out before her good father could say something else. If she kept blushing she would faint. 

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