Chapter 1

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                                                                                  Casterly Rock

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                                                                                  Casterly Rock


Lyanna looked wide-eyed at the castle on top of the large cliff. She had never seen a castle so grand. Lyanna had grown up in Winterfell, never leaving the North. She had believed that Winterfell was a great keep, but it was nothing compared to Casterly Rock. Lord Lannister had been telling her stories about his home, but she had believed they had exaggerated. Now she knew he had been telling the truth. They had been traveling for almost a moon, and she could not wait to be able to sleep on a nice featherbed once more and take a hot bath without having to rush. Her maids had done everything they could to make her trip more pleasant, but some things could not be helped.
Lord Tywin Lannister ordered them to move and Lyanna felt the wheelhouse rock a bit as it started to move. Lyanna let the curtain fall back into place and sat back. She was not sure of her place here, she had been told several times that she was Lady Lannister now, but she was not completely sure what that meant. When Lyanna had first seen Jaime Lannister she had been completely enraptured. He was the most handsome man she had ever laid eyes on, like a golden knight from the songs. She saw the way he acted around the red cloaks that had accompanied him to Winterfell and she could tell that he was kind. Her husband did not seem to have much interest in her, and she did not blame him, she was still a child. But Lyanna hoped that once she became a woman he would fall in love with her. She wanted a love like she had read in the books, someone who loved her and would give her many babes.
For now, Lyanna was happy to be his friend, she could get to know him while they waited for her to grow. Her husband had barely said two words to her, preferring the company of his men. The few times he had spoken to her he had been pleasant, he mostly talked about his siblings. She could tell he loved Tyrion and admired how clever he was. Lyanna was a little uncomfortable when he spoke about his sister. Jaime talked about Cersei in almost a romantic way. Lyanna had attempted to excuse it, Jaime and Cersei were twins and that was a special bond. Lyanna understood this perfectly well, she had the same bond with her sister Lyarra. Lyanna could not be more different from her sister, but they always had something special, something she did not feel with any of her other siblings. Still, she did not speak about her sister the way Jaime talked about Cersei.
Lyanna was snapped out of her thoughts when the wheelhouse came to a stop. A few seconds later one of the red cloaks opened the door and assisted her down. Lyanna straightened her cloak and dress, making sure she looked presentable. She was about to be introduced to her new family, and her mother had always made sure she was aware of how important appearances were.
"My lady." Jaime bowed before taking her hand and Lyanna could not help but blush.
She could see Lord Tywin standing to the side, watching as they approached him, approval in his eyes. The Lord guided them towards the people who were waiting in line. Lord Tywin stopped a few feet away from her and Jaime. He talked to three of the people in front, but she could not hear what was being said. After a few minutes, Lord Tywin gestured them forward and then looked back at the people he had been speaking to.
"I want to introduce you all to Lyanna Lannister, formerly of House Stark, Jaime's wife." Lord Tywin gestured to three adults as he introduced them. "Lady Lyanna this is my brother Kevan and his wife Dorna, and this is my sister Genna."
"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, my lord, my ladies." Lyanna gave a perfect courtesy, lifting her head and smiling at the three adults. "I am so happy to be able to meet you all."
"Gods, are you not the prettiest girl I have ever seen? You look just like a doll, look at those gorgeous eyes and your pretty flawless skin." Lyanna's cheeks reddened as Genna Lannister fawned over her, touching one of her curls. "You are so sweet."
"Thank you, my lady." Lyanna's smile was polite, not sure what she was supposed to say.
"It is a pleasure Lady Lyanna." Kevan was a bit more reserved, reminding her of Tywin. "My sister is right you are a very pretty girl."
Lyanna nodded her head, smiling as Dorna welcomed her. The woman was warm and a bit shy. Tywin introduced her to the staff, making sure to let her know what each of their jobs was. She could not help but be a bit overwhelmed, while her mother had been preparing her to run a great keep, this was a bit intimidating. She hoped Lord Tywin would be patient and not yell at her every time she made a mistake.
Once the introductions were finished, she was led inside, her eyes still wide at the opulence of this keep. She could not believe she would be the lady of all of this, it was hard to imagine.
"Lady Lyanna." Lyanna's head snapped towards Lord Tywin. "The servants will show you to your new chambers. Once you have freshened yourself up and gotten some rest Dorna and Genna will give a tour of the castle."
"Yes, my lord." Lyanna courtesied to Tywin. "Thank you."
The man gave her an abrupt nod before turning on his heel and walking away. She imagined he had many things to do. Her father was always busy and Winterfell was not nearly as grand as Casterly Rock was. She followed one of the maids quietly, she could not wait to see her chambers. Once she was settled she would write to her parents and her sister. She wanted to know how Lyarra was fearing in her new life. She hoped her sister was happy. 

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