Chapter 10

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Sorry for the delay guys. I sprained my wrist and spent a few hours in the hospital.

Jaime and Cersei talk. Jaime is seeing his sister with a clearer mind and he is not too impressed by what he sees. Second part is during Joffrey's wedding feast. We get to see a character from the books and TV show. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

Jaime was hiding, he was ashamed to admit it, but this is what it had come to. It had only been a few hours since he had left his wife in her chambers and he was still attempting to come to terms with what happened. Jaime had not had much time to come up with a plan, he had run from his father's chambers to his wife's. He knew the only way to stop the maester from examining her was for the old man to see them in bed together. He was thankful Lyanna had followed his instructions without asking too many questions. At least she had trusted him enough to do what was best for her.

What Jaime had not expected had been her reaction or his reaction to her. He had never denied that Lyanna was a strikingly beautiful woman, but he had seen many beautiful women. When he kissed her his reaction had taken him by surprise, he had not expected the feelings she had raised in him. The way she had kissed him back, he could tell she did not know what she was doing. But what his wife lacked in experience she more than made up for in enthusiasm. Her skin was soft and unblemished, like the finest Myrish lace. She smelt like lavender, and she tasted like it also.

Cersei was the only woman Jaime had even made love to, and his sister was possessive, almost violent when they made love. For Cersei sex was another way to control him, his wife was different. Lyanna had been sweet and engaging, her body moving against him like they recognized each other. Jaime had wanted to keep his emotions in check, to be distant, but it had been impossible. It was not just his body that had responded, he could have dealt with it if it had been lust. Just like he had meant to stop after his father, sister and Pycelle had left the chambers. He had been so caught up in the moment that he had almost missed his father and the others walking in. Once they had left he had asked Lyanna if he should stop, his mind silently begging her to let him continue. Her body, her taste, and the little noises she made all drove him insane with lust. He had wanted to be inside her like he never wanted anything else. Once they were done, he had gotten dressed while Lyanna cleaned herself up and put on some clothes.

Jaime had explained things to Lyanna, the conversation he heard, and the plans the king and his sister had made for her. Lyanna had been surprised and shocked, he could also see the fear in her eyes. Lyanna was not a stupid woman, she knew what the king meant by attempting to dissolve their marriage. After talking to her Jaime had run away to Tyrion's chambers. He was thankful his brother was not here because he did not know what to say, or how to explain it himself. He could not hide in here forever. The doors to Tyrion's chambers opened and Cersei stomped in, her face a mask of fury.

"What in the seven hells are you thinking?" Jaime just stared at her, not saying anything. He was tired of being part of Cersei's schemes. "You ruined everything."

"How did I ruin everything?" Jaime played stupid, after all, he was the dumbest Lannister as his sister had told him on several occasions.

"You could have been free of that whore."

"You keep calling her a whore and I have to wonder why." Jaime sat down by the table, pouring himself some wine. "What has she done that makes her a whore? She has never been with another man besides me. While you have been cuckolding your husband since before you wed him. If my wife is a whore then what are you?"

"What are you saying?" Cersei narrowed her eyes.

"I am not saying much of anything." Jaime took a sip of his wine. "I was just thinking out loud. Can you tell me what did I do to ruin things?"

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