Chapter 2

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3 year time jump. We get a small glimpse into Tywin's mind and what he thinks of the whole situation. Lyanna has learned some hard truths and is learning to deal with them. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

3 years later.

Tywin Lannister did not understand what he had done wrong for his children to have become such disappointments. He had given them everything, but they were not able to do the simplest things. He had made his daughter a queen, and instead of taking advantage of her position, she had become a petty and cruel woman. She had coddled Joffrey until the boy was even more cruel and petty than she was. Jaime was born with everything, health, fortune, and good looks. Women sighed every time his son walked past them. He was renowned as the greatest swordsman in the seven kingdoms. Instead of following his great destiny, his son had decided to become a glorified guard. Following a worthless king around until he was forced to kill said king to save an entire city filled with people. Tywin had been able to save his son from a certain death and convinced Robert to take Jaime's cloak. He never thought his son's reputation would be salvaged, people having named him Kingslayer. Then a few moons back Tywin had gotten a letter from Ned Stark, proposing a marriage between his eldest daughter and Tywin's son.

Tywin immediately headed North, his son not happy but not able to do much. Wedding Jaime to Lyanna Stark had been one of the best moves Tywin had ever made. He was now tied to four of the seven kingdoms since Lyanna's twin sister had wed Oberyn Martell. Lyanna Stark was a beautiful girl, but more important than that she was extremely smart. Tywin had met very few people as bright as his daughter-by-law. Lyanna learned quickly, she would only need to read something once and she would recall it perfectly years later. He enjoyed spending time with her, which he could not say about many people. Her mind was a marble, but his son did not seem the least bit interested in his young bride. This was why Tywin could not help but glare as Jaime stood in front of him, an annoyed look on his face.

"What would you like me to do?" Jaime shook his head. "The king called for me, he wants me to help train the new recruits for the city watch."

"Do not lie to me." He wanted to throw a book at Jaime's head, maybe then his son's common sense would return. "I know perfectly well it was Cersei who asked for you, I am not stupid."

"I do not understand why you want me here?" Jaime threw up his hands. "If you are worried about your legacy it is not like I can bed my young bride. Your deal with Ned Stark says I cannot bed her until after her sixteen-name day."

"Yes, but there are other things you could do." Jaime lifted an eyebrow. "You could speak more than two words to her. You have made no effort to get to know Lyanna these past three years."

"You forced me into this, so you cannot blame me for not wanting to spend time with a child." His son glared at him. "There are other things I want to do, other interests. I want to enjoy the few years I have left before you force me to put heirs inside my young wife."

"Fine." Jaime's eyes widened. "You may go to Kings Landing."

"What?" Jaime looked surprised. "Why would you do that?"

"Because the condition is that you will return on Lyanna's sixteen-name day." Tywin made sure his son saw the certainty in his face. "And then you will bed your wife."

Jaime seemed to think about it for just a moment before nodding his head. Tywin gestured for his son to leave, not wanting to fight with him once more. He was tired of fighting with his children, he could not believe that the brightest member of his family was not related to him by blood. 


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