Chapter 22

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Tywin and Cersei talk, parts of the TV show come back. Tywin and Jaime have a little issue and Lyanna tries to help. Things will get worse before they get better. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

Tywin looked down at the papers sitting in front of him and felt the urge to cry. He had not felt this overwhelming sadness since the death of his wife. He had hoped Cersei had inherited something from Joanna, but besides her looks, Cersei was nothing like her mother. It was his fault, the fact that his daughter was a cruel and petty woman, not caring about anyone but herself. The fact that his daughter had not only conspired to kill a king and one of the lord paramount, but also to have a Lord from a major house take the blame left his head spinning. Tywin should not be surprised, his daughter had inherited several things from him and none of them were good. She had planned to have Lyanna killed, for the simple fact that she would have the title of queen in a few years, made him want to vomit. Cersei had not thought about the pain she would cause her brother, or anyone else. She had not thought about the war Lyanna's death would bring. Because something Tywin was sure of was that Ned Stark would burn down the seven kingdoms for his daughters.
Jaime had explained to him that he had found the information. Varys had found the second man involved in Lyanna's attack and that man had given up Pycelle's name. Jaime had checked what the man had said before imprisoning Pycelle. His son had found the gold and a drawing of Lyanna exactly where the man said it would be. Jaime then questioned Pycelle, who not only gave them information on several plots but had written it all down. They now had a signed confession, that meant his daughter's death. Jaime had the grand maester check the king and the old hand's clothes and what Pycelle had said was true, there was poison on the fabric. Jaime had been able to be saved because the king he had killed had been planning to set the entire city on fire. Tywin did not think his daughter could be saved if anyone found out what she did.
There was a knock on the door and hid the papers away, not wanting his daughter to see them. He took a deep breath before calling out for whoever it was to enter. The doors opened and Cersei walked in, a smirk on her face, and gave him a mocking bow.
"I was told you asked to see me." She sat across from him, the smirk still in place. "The maester said it was urgent."
"I want to know how long it took you to plan Lyanna's attack." Cersei did not even blink, the smile not leaving her face. "Did you truly believe you could get away with it?"
"You have no proof I have done anything." Cersei looked at him directly in the eye, not feeling the least bit of remorse.
"I did not call you here to argue. I called you here to let you know you need to get ready." Tywin intertwined his fingers, not looking away from his daughter. "You have four days to ready your things before a ship takes you to Essos, there you will be wed to a high lord."
"You want to force me to wed once more?" Cersei's look changed, her eyes becoming fearful. "Was it not enough that you wed me to that brute? You would do this to me again?"
"You have left me no choice." He wished Cersei was different, but she would not change and he could no longer trust her. "You have put our family in danger, you attacked one of us and I cannot forgive that."
"Our family?" She let out a derisive laugh. "I only attacked the whore you forced my brother to wed and she is not Lannister."
"She is more Lannister than you are. Or have you forgotten you have carried the Baratheon name for years?"
"Because you forced it upon me."
"I made you queen, which is exactly what you wanted. Or have you forgotten how taken you were with Robert Baratheon when you met him?"
"It does not matter, I am free of him now. I will not wed again."
"Yes, you will." Tywin glared at Cersei. "You do not have a choice."
"I am a queen!" Cersei screamed and stood up.
"You are my daughter and you will do as I say!" Tywin also stood up. "Do you think you'll be the first person dragged into a sept to married against her will?"
"You will not." He saw her fists clenched. "If you do, I'll tell everyone the truth."
"What truth would that be?" Tywin raised an eyebrow.
"You do not know, do you? You never believed it. How is that possible? What am I saying? Of course, it is possible. How can someone so consumed by the idea of his family not have any conception of what his actual family was doing?" Cersei let out an amused laugh, looking pityingly at him. "We were right there in front of you and you did not see us. One look at the past twenty years. One real look at your own children and you would have known."
"Known what?" He did not want to ask the question and a cold feeling filled his stomach.
"Everything they say is true about Jaime and me. Your legacy is a lie."
"I do not believe you." His belly twisted unpleasantly and he could feel vile in the back of his throat.
"Yes, you do." She looked amused like she did not care about the chaos she had just caused.
Because Cersei was right, he did believe her. He knew she was telling him the truth, that she and Jaime had been lovers. Every rumor he had ever heard about his children was true, what Stannis Baratheon had said a few weeks prior was the truth. His grandchildren were not Robert's or even an unknown knight, but her twin brother. He felt like a fool for not paying more attention, for having denied what had been right in front of him the entire time. He should have paid more attention instead of withdrawing into himself after Joanna's death. He had done a great disservice to his children, but it did not justify what his children had done.
Cersei gave him a satisfied smile before walking out of his solar. Tywin clenched his hands, wanting to kill his children. They had put his entire legacy in danger, they had placed themselves and their children in danger. Tywin had done everything possible to give his children a better future. He had made his daughter a queen and had found the most beautiful woman in the seven kingdoms for his son. Now, because of Cersei and Jaime's actions everything he had worked for was in jeopardy. Tywin knew Cersei was not lying, she would truly tell everyone about her affair with Jaime, not caring all the trouble that would cause.
But his daughter should have realized who she was speaking to. Tywin Lannister did not answer to threats in a pleasant manner and if his children would not protect his legacy, then he would.
"He is very pretty." Tommen ran his hand over Shadow's head, while her wolf was happy to let the small boy pet him to his heart's content. "His fur is very soft."
"He looks almost exactly like my sister Lyarra's direwolf." Lyanna smiled at Tommen, happy that he and Shadow had taken well to each other. "The only other black wolf is my brother's Rickon. My brother Jon's direwolf is completely white, with red eyes. His name is Ghost."
"I cannot believe you all have direwolves." Tommen looked thoughtful for a moment before looking at Jaime. "Have you ever had lions?"
"I do not think so." Jaime looked amused as Tommen allowed Shadow to lick his face, laughing like it was the best thing ever. "We can talk to my father, he might gift you one."
Lyanna and Jaime laughed when Tommen's eyes brightened, nodding vigorously at them. Lyanna could not imagine Tywin's face when Tommen asked him for a lion. Tywin was not known for his sense of humor or his love of animals. Lyanna had to fight tooth and nail to be allowed to have Shadow in her chambers while they lived in Casterly Rock. Tywin was more respectful of Lyanna's companion now, especially since Shadow had saved her life.
They were still laughing when the doors to her and Jaime's chambers slammed open and Tywin strode in, fury in his face. He did not say anything as he walked to Jaime and backhanded him so hard, that her husband slammed against the table before falling to the ground, taking all the refreshments down with him. Lyanna gasped and covered her mouth as Tommen looked at Tywin and Jaime with wide scared eyes. Shadow growled and took a step towards the two men before Lyanna stopped him.
"Tywin!" Her good father glared at her and she gestured towards Tommen before walking to the small boy and gave him a gentle smile. She noticed Addam Marbrand standing at the door, he was one of her guards today. "Ser Addam, can you please take the prince to his chambers?" She cupped Tommen's face, kissing his forehead. "Go on, my love, go with Ser Addam. I will come to get you when it is time for supper."
Tommen nodded, looking at Tywin with a scared look on his face, before taking Addam's hand and walking out of the chambers. Tywin did not say anything until the doors closed and then turned back to Jaime, who was still lying on the ground.
"There have been several times in my life when I have been disappointed about your actions." Tywin's fists clenched as he glared at Jaime, who was looking at him with wide eyes. "But this is the first time I can say I am ashamed you are my son."
"Tywin." Lyanna flinched at the pain in Jaime's eyes. She did not know what had happened, but she could imagine. Her good father turned to her and the pain and fury in his eyes broke her heart. "Do not say anything you might regret later."
"I am sorry, for the burden I placed on you." Her eyes widened when her good father apologized to her. "I believed I was doing what was best, giving my son a beautiful and intelligent wife. Someone he could love and form a family with. What I did not realize was that my son had never wed or even looked at a woman because he was fucking his sister."
Jaime flinched like he had been struck, standing up and looking at his father. She had been hoping Tywin would never find out about Cersei and Jaime. She had known how much it would hurt him to realize what had been happening while he turned a blind eye. Tywin was a harsh man, but he loved his family fiercely. Finding out about his children's relationship was a hard blow.
"Father, I.." Jaime shook his head, giving her a hopeless look before looking back at his father. "I did not do it to hurt you and I am so sorry. Believe me when I say I would take it back if I could."
"I was going to send Cersei away, have her wed one of Esso's high lords." Tywin chuckled but there was no amusement on his face. "But now she is threatening to tell everyone about your affair if I attempt to have her wed anyone. Do you realize the danger you have placed Myrcella and Tommen in? The danger you have placed Lyanna and your unborn child in?"
"Father.." Jaime looked shocked.
"No!" Lyanna jumped when Tywin yelled. "She attempted to kill Lyanna once, what makes you think she will not try again?"
Tywin looked at Jaime in disgust before leaving the chambers. Lyanna walked to her husband, tracing his split lip with a gentle finger. He looked defeated and Lyanna was torn. She wanted to stay with him and tell him everything was going to be well, but she also wanted to talk to Tywin and reassure him that he had not ruined her life. She had to talk to Tommen and let him know everything was well also.
"He hates me." Jaime laid his head on her shoulder. "He will never forgive me for this."
"He does not hate you." Lyanna cupped one of his cheeks. "He is hurt right now, but he does not hate you. He just needs time."
"I have never seen him so angry." Lyanna had to agree with Jaime, this was the first time Tywin had scared her.
"Jaime, everything will be well, just let me speak with him." She kissed his lips, before giving him a small smile. "While I speak to your father go and talk to Tommen, he is afraid and I do not want him to be by himself."
She left her chambers, sighing when five red cloaks surrounded her. She was still attempting to get used to so many guards following her. She had gone on a walk yesterday and everyone had stared at her wide-eyed. Tommen was excited to spend more time with other knights, saying that he still had a lot to learn.
Lyanna made it to Tywin's chambers and walked in without bothering to knock. Her good father was sitting by the fireplace in his solar, a cup of wine in his hands. He looked defeated and that alarmed her, Lyanna had never seen him look like that before.
"Tywin." Her voice was soft as she moved closer, but he did not move. "Please, you have to listen to me."
"How long have you known?" Lyanna let out a sigh, sitting across from him. "I could tell you were not surprised when I revealed what had been happening between Jaime and Cersei."
"I found out when I was thirteen, I saw them when the king and queen visited Casterly Rock for my name day celebration."
"All these years?" He gave her a pained look when Lyanna nodded. "And you never said anything? Why?"
"In the beginning, I did not want to hurt you. You have treated me fairly, almost as if I was your daughter. I care about you, you are like a second father to me. I know how proud you have always been of Jaime, even when you are angry with him. I knew you would be devastated if you ever found out about it." Lyanna's look was apologetic, she had kept it a secret from him. "And then I fell in love with Jaime and I did not want to drag up the past and hurt the both of you."
"Even knowing everything he has done, you helped my house become even more wealthy, you helped the people of the West."
"One thing does not have anything to do with the other. Like I said, you were good to me and let me be myself. I would have never blamed you for Jaime and Cersei's actions and I would have never taken out my anger on the West." Lyanna played with the sleeves of her pink gown, attempting to hide her worry and nervousness. "I love the West and I have come to consider it my home in this past few years, just like I consider you all my family. Tywin I know you are angry, you have every right to be and I do not expect you to get over what you have discovered in just a few days. But I do want you to try and understand Jaime."
"Understand Jaime?" The king looked at her like she had lost her mind. "What am I supposed to understand when he did something so despicable, so immoral? He lied about it for years and took advantage of my love for him."
"I am not excusing what he did, it does not have an excuse." She bit her lip, not sure how to explain things. "Jaime loves Cersei and he always will. She was able to convince him that their love was more than just familiar. Again I am not trying to excuse Jaime, he is also to blame in all of this, but you are aware of how good a manipulator your daughter is."
"Yes, but that does not make much of a difference." Tywin ran his hands over his face, letting out a tired sigh. "Now, I am stuck. If I attempt to send Cersei anywhere she will destroy everything I have worked for. And since she has taken this step of letting me know, she will not stop until she gets what she wants. She will hold this over our heads for the rest of our lives."
"Then let us work together. We can attempt and find a way to neutralize Cersei."
Lyanna did not want to say it, but she could see in Tywin's eyes that he knew what needed to be done. Cersei was not going to stop until she was queen once more. She would threaten them with that secret for the rest of their lives. Now that she had realized Tywin would not move against her as long as she kept threatening to expose their family, she would feel free to do as she liked. The only way to stop Cersei was to kill her.
Lyanna did not want to think about the suffering that would cause. Not just for Cersei's children, but also for Tywin and Jaime. Whatever Cersei was or did she was still Tywin's daughter and Jaime's sister, his twin. Lyanna had no doubts aabout Jaime's love for her, but he also loved his sister. This decision would not be easy.

                                                                          Lyanna Stark (18 years old

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                                                                          Lyanna Stark (18 years old.)

                                                                      Jaime Lannister (33 years old

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                                                                      Jaime Lannister (33 years old.)

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