(A/N: the palace of Angband)

''Form 5 would best suit you as your main lightsaber style, apprentice.'' Snoke adviced. ''You show great aptitude for all seven forms but form 5 fits best with you. Maybe, if your skills are good enough, you can complete form 9.''

''Form 9 was developed by Tulak Hord but knowledge regarding it had been lost save a few fragments and instructions.'' I said and Snoke was pleased at my knowledge from reading the books. ''Similar to the form 7 variant of vaapad but capable of taking in the opponent's force power, light or dark.''

''Yes. Vaapad was the lightsaber form that made the jedi Mace Windu so powerful. He was a dark side weilder's worst opponent as no matter how skilled you may be with a blade, he can use your power against you. That was how he managed to defeat Sidious in a duel. However, force abilities are a different story.''

''When the emperor ordered me to go to Kar Delba, I theorized that perhaps he might be a sith. You proved it to me and now, I understand quite a lot. However, the rule of two sith as created by Darth Bane would not allow rival sith to come. Why would the emperor, Darth Sidious, tolerate me or you or the Eternal?''

''Sidious considers the rule of two to have outlived it's usefulness as did his master, Darth Plagueis, and so did Darth Tenebrous, the master of Plagueis. Sidious tolerates us only for the fact that we do not pose a threat. By that, actively seek to overthrow him. The Eternal has knowledge, my apprentice. Knowledge that Sidious wants to gain even more power. And, in the event that should he die or the galaxy collapse, Kadath and it's planets will serve as a staging point for his resurrection and return.''

''So the Eternal is just puppets to him?''

''Or so he believes and desires it so. The Galactic Empire's military is created to not just fit the infamous Tarkin Doctrine that you so despised, my apprentice, but to safeguard peace. Once peace is secured and the galaxy is loyal to him, Sidious will create a Dark Empire. One that is run not by technology but by the dark side itself. The Sith Eternal is the key to that along with an army of loyal sith. But, that is just his wishful thinking.''

''How so?''

''Sidious is too powerful an opponent to be bested in combat even by me. But, in the future, you can defeat him. I have recieved visions of the future where Sidious will fall. He doesn't know it but I do and I have kept it hidden from him. When he shall fall, you will take the galaxy for yourself. By then, your training will be complete but for now, you learn.''

''So the emperor wants Kadath to serve as a factory for building his 'Dark Empire'.'' I muttered. ''I want to design the vehicles and ships.'' I told Snoke. ''All of Kadath and it's resources would soon be one day mine to command, is it not? I will make the designs for them and they will be unlike anything the galaxy has ever seen.''

''As I expected. You will be granted the authority to design them as you like, my apprentice.''

''Snoke, what sets the Eternal apart from other sith sects of the past and present? It's been described as a 'dark purple' variant and I know a purple kyber indicates balance. I wish to understand what type of philosophy the Eternal has as it's guide.''

''Because it is a different type of sith sect that attempts at a different approach, my apprentice.'' Snoke then got to the full explanation of the Sith Eternal. ''This new sith sect tries to balance the dark and light but in truth, it is to use the dark side with help from the light so as to not be consumed by it. Do not think that me telling you to use pain, hatred and anger as fuel think of this a hypocrisy. The Eternal is still part of the sith, not jedi. To use the negative feelings is how sith acquire their power but they become consumed by it. They call themselves master of the dark side but only serve the dark side as Revan once said. The Eternal hopes to use the dark but not be consumed by it as too the light. A balance slightly tipped in favour of the dark but not losing the light.''

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