𝒳𝒳𝐼. Melody

428 26 2

The sun and moon came and went, they rise and fall. You lost count of the trips in Midgard, you may not be fully recovered; but you feel the difference when you first wake from your slumber. Furthermore; your distance between the Indian God steadily shrinks, Buddha being the only person outside of your siblings spends more time with you, the few deities you're willing to have a conversation.


Buddha and you plan to go to a country called Japan, couple of famous gods and demigods live there too, not to mention; during Ragnarök many human repressive were Japanese too, also hearing some gods are fond of the country.

On the other hand, In Japan there's a natural phenomenon that occurs more frequently than others, it has taken many lives, countless buildings destroyed, imbued fear to people's heart. Humans can't fight against nature but prevent the worst, they adapt, resist, rebuild; thus, they still stand on this very land.


"So crowded" you commented while being upside down, watching humans walking below your feet, the scene is akin to an ant nest "unlike us who live individually, they often work or live as groups. They're social animals after all" Buddha crouching on the edge of the tallest building around with mortal-looking clothes Kuhaku gave, this time with Buddha telling what he prefers wearing.

You and Buddha both discovered there's thing called night market, In Japan; they only have it on special occasions, fortunately there's one going one elsewhere. Night markets are vendors specially open during nighttime, they sell tons of local street food and others, they're paradise for foodies like you.

Unlike other counties, you grow liking an herb originating from here known as Sakura; a beautiful type of tree that grows pink flowers during spring. Much as you wish to grow in your domain, it can only do so on Midgard with seasons, Valhalla doesn't hold any seasons.

"I wonder what Valhalla be like if there's seasons" presumably not much will agree such phenomena happen there, perhaps the unique features of Midgard can lead you to visit more often than just picking materials. "I know what you will do with that idea, better leave it to yourself than putting it act y/n-Chan"

"Ho? You can foresee my action to my scheme?"

"God or human; I can see 'truth' they refuse to show, but you; it doesn't always work, let's just say I was lucky to catch a glimpse of it"

"don't worry Is just a thought"

"The event should be starting, remember where it is rights?"

"pfft, please, think I can't remember locations?"

"I don't know, little reminder won't hurt" Buddha feign being hurt by your harsh words.

"I doubt that was intended to be 'little reminder'" eyeing Buddha, hinting him that you possess similar traits of his "see you there" you fall upside-down in front of buddha making your way to the event.

Buddha let out a sign of defeat admitting that you were right, that wasn't or intended to be a reminder.

Fast forward...

Landing swiftly, you see the streetlights enlighten a path among the night, it wasn't just food, some games are presence too, mortals with different style of clothes.

{ BΣYӨПD } Record of Ragnarok - Buddha x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now