𝒳𝒱𝐼𝐼𝐼. Midgard Trip

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Frankly speaking you're going to travel with Buddha, with humans still living on earth is no surprise civilization will change, they will forever invent for the better. But how far they have advanced is a mystery.

You've travelled to Midgard yes; but never ever set foot near a single human, you only there to collect herbs and live only on Midgard. Like gods that live in Valhalla; you don't bother on human affairs. If you must choose something that interests you. Food.

"Earth is huge, where are you even bring me first" you ask; sitting on Buddha's shoulder. You weigh like nothing to him in this form, so you sitting on his shoulder is like a bird.

"Things must've change, so we're going to what used to be my home"


"Yap. Exciting, isn't it? Your own home after centuries, imagine what it looks like"

"Old, full of dirt, withered" you blunt

"What a sharp tongue" Buddha laughed

"But how are you going to get there, do you even know where we are" you look around the forest, unsure if Buddha is blindly walking or he has directions.

"Nope, that's why we're going to human's city and get information, an adventure"

"How would you if there's cities or not"

"up" suddenly without warning Buddha leap to the air causing you a surprised squeak, he holds his arms around you making sure you don't fly off. Buddha standing on the top of what could be the tallest tree.

Far away protrude tall buildings "bingo" he slides you down sitting on his forearm "hold on tight" there's nothing really to grab on rather than his tank top. Buddha uses his god-like speed sprinting to the direction of the city.


Buddha stopped at the edge, now you were way nearer than before. You could hear noises of chatter and horns and other noises you don't really enjoy, almost like a mosquito around your ear.

The people wore very different clothing, if you two were to go down there; it would be an attention magnet. "We must do something about our clothes, don't want draw to much attention" you suggest

"We can find clothes stores without you using your powers"

"Buddha, we'll still draw attention on our way there. Don't worry I got it"

(few seconds later)

"My lord" a familiar voice appeared behind, kuhaku holding two set of clothes "I've brought in your request"


"How are you here" Buddha ask whilst getting his set of mortal clothes.

"Lord y/n called me here"


You pointed your head "it's something only he has, that's why he's my personal assistance"

{ BΣYӨПD } Record of Ragnarok - Buddha x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now