𝒱𝐼𝐼. God of Knowledge

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The following days after the trip to earth, you keep mastering the healing ability, shaping it to perfection. With the cost of draining power leads to fatigue.

once did you almost overdo it that would harm yourself, often Buddha would come around just to make sure you don't exceed out of what you can handle, yes he does nag you sometimes for not caring yourself too much.

In fact, you could care less about yourself than achieving what you want, that's the scary part of driven erudition. We seek something, driven by the feeling of achieving or the feeling that is reaching within our palms.

"I've said this many times, can you not excess your body, who's gonna help you if I wasn't here" Buddha holding your body as you feel your power regenerate.

"I'll...stop...when is necessary..." you pant out, the power drain in you is the equivalent of sucking your life force and physical strength, majority it drains the latter more but still consider a lot for life force.

Truth to be told you won't die even if it sucks all your strength, you'll have half of your life force still. But you'll end up in a deep slumber in return to gain back all that lost power and life.

Time after time you did keep that in mind but sometimes you just get so concentrate you forget.

This time included.

Seeing the result you couldn't be prouder, after countless attempts you finally master the power to its fullest, achieving the impossible.

A disabled test rat gain its limbs back, fully functional just like before. You slump down the floor out of exhaustion, despite being limp you were merry. The feeling of finally completing something that you've been working on, torturing your body to its limit, eventually succeeding, is something worth getting.

You slowly daze off staring in your realm, a feeling of sadness made his way to you after celebrating for just seconds. While lying flat on the floor you command the books around to build a Mausoleums for the fallen gods.

One time walking the corridor of Valhalla you had a sneak peek of that Valkyrie Brunhilde going into a locked room, you saw hologram pictures of human fighters, including Hercules the demi-god.

Proven that she really wants to destroy gods and save humanity, you feel not the slightest pity or care whatever is positive towards it.

After Hades death you decide to create on for gods, remembrance. Build on your island. Furthermore, you decide to find a way to revive them back, not sure how but you're willing to figure out, to began you need energy.

In the medical rooms you know there's equipment to do just that. You push your weakened body up, got out of your space and head to the hallway.

The cold shining marble walls were your support, you can just stay and rest in your domain but that'll take longer, and you want to at least have a head start, impatience is what leads you to move your legs, to walk these halls.

You never thought one day you'll comment such words on these shinning halls "why is it so long..." the halls you set foot for eons suddenly felt like it gotten longer, liking to stroll around only to have it worn you down each step. You may gain some during it but still not enough since you are constantly wasting physical energy, you haven't pant this much in your life.

{ BΣYӨПD } Record of Ragnarok - Buddha x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now