𝒳𝐼𝒳. Migard Trip II

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Buddha led you to a temple where followers were praying to a golden statue of him, they were humming in a low tune, muttering sort.

You took the time to observe the interior, it was richly decorated, in front the statue was food contributed for him. They wore the same orange robes around them, also they're bald not sure why. The color shares the same as Buddha's silk cloth around him.

prayers all in a deep transcendence, normally they won't care who's looking, strangely this time in the middle of their praying all seems to be drawn to the immortals standing at their doorway.

They all had this sort of surprised and confused look, not even themselves understood why they were drawn. Two Gods silently stare awkwardly at them.

You felt this tingling pain in your head, under their gaze mutters came to you like waves. normally this amount is bearable, but that during your zenith or grown-up self you can say...Buddha notice your discomfort; he tugs you lightly away from their gaze.

Buddha wonders if religious people can sense supernatural powers like theirs, perhaps just instinct? Humans have these senses... they can dimly tell if something or someone is out of the ordinary, unnatural and supernatural. Doesn't matter if they're religion or not, yet ones with belief tend to be more sensitive.

After getting out Buddha ask of your status which you respond fine. But guess what; three of those followers' approach both of you.

The Indian god take a step forward cautiously blocking almost your entire view, why such moves when he has Eighth consciousness to predict entities, yet he's now standing protectively in front.

"Something you guys need?" Buddha starts

"Um no, we're just curious...that uh...you look like the statue of Buddha. Do you mind me asking where you come from?" the middle one answered timidly. Your jaw drops; how does that statue look something like Buddha? They're totally different people! You start to doubt human aesthetics at this point.

"If you can excuse us" Buddha ignore their question ready to leave the scene till you decide to approach them.

"Who is that statue" you point obviously acting dumb. Of course, they see you as a child, replying the friendliest way possible, to show more kindness they lower themselves before you.

"that's Siddhartha Gautama, the first to ever reach enlightenment. His ways were passed down generation after generation" the one on the left explained.

"Is he a good person?"

"Yes, he founded Buddhism and teach us his ways"

"Buddha, I think they're your fans of sort" you suddenly broke out of act, three monks awestricken this child refer this tall man Buddha.

"Um...young one..."

"Are you making fun of me..." Buddha sigh in which you let out playful giggles "let's go other places" you walk pass him cuing him to follow.

"Um. Excuse me but due to respect, are you really Buddha?" one of them stepped up asking.

"Huh. Yeah?" unaware how much of a big deal this is for mortals.

{ BΣYӨПD } Record of Ragnarok - Buddha x male readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon