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The sirens from the police cars can be heard everywhere. As they expected, it was another murder case. As they examined the victim's body, the police found a dagger being laid beside the victim.

"Wow. The killer isn't joking around. It's been the third time this week."
"Yea, It's the same dagger. And in the same position too. I bet the fingerprint is also the same."
"Hey, you two! Stop complementing the killer and go to work!" One of the higher ups yelled.

The two policemens nodded and continued investigating the deceased.

Meanwhile, in the living room of Tok Aba's house.

"Have you heard the hit news, Boboiboy?" Ochobot flew next to him.
"Hm? The serial murder case? Of course. Everyone's going crazy about it, how could I not know?" He replied lazily.

Ochobot blinked in confusion. Boboiboy would usually rush into the crime scene after hearing there sorts of things. 'This is certainly something new. Perhaps he's just tired.'

He wasn't entirely wrong. Boboiboy was tired. Especially after the battle with Reta'ka. But his mind is burnt from something else. Something he prefers to keep to himself.

Something that has heavily burden him...


Hi, it's me, Ika. I know this chapter is a little too short, but I only intended in making this chapter as a story introduction, so you can have vision on the upcoming plot.

That's all that I have to say. Roger and out.

There's Two of Them? (Boboiboy&Reverse)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin