Chapter 10

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Jungkook was slightly irritated after Taehyung left. He knew he didn't really have a right to be, but he was nevertheless.

Taehyung showed up, kissed him, and then left.

He didn't seem to have any good reason for leaving so abruptly either. Did he not like him anymore? Was Jungkook not a good kisser? No that couldn't be it.

So why. It seemed like every time they got close to each other Taehyung would suddenly leave. And yet he kept coming back. Even showing up with food to surprise him. He felt his anger slip away a little bit at that. It was a sweet gesture. Not something he would have expected from the Taehyung he met at the bar weeks ago. Something was different.

Since Taehyung left he felt like something was missing. His apartment felt quiet. This was a disconcerting feeling because he was normally so introverted and generally preferred to be alone. Longing was not an emotion with which he was familiar.

He sighed, picking up his phone even though he knew there wouldn't be a notification. It was 2 am.

He took a chance and called Jimin, hoping the boy was up late like usual.

"What the hell do you need at this hour!" He answered.

"Good morning Jimin." Jungkook said cheekily.

"Yeah yeah what do you want." Jungkook could practically hear Jimin's eyeroll through the phone but he knew his friend wasn't actually upset.

"Jimin something is happening to me."

"What? Is something wrong? Are you ok do you need me to come over? Is there a burglar?" Jimin spit out all at once, and Jungkook heard shuffling around like Jimin had actually jumped to his feet and was ready to come to his defense.

"No burglar, it's much more sinister than that." Jungkook said gloomily. "I think I have feelings for someone."

Jimin squealed on the other line. "OMG I've been waiting for this. Who is it!" He wasn't entirely sure what answer he was hoping for, that it was Taehyung, or someone else. Someone more, normal.

Jungkook took a long pause which gave Jimin his answer.

"I think you know."

"Well I suspected." Jimin said.

"But I know you warned me away from him." Jungkook said slightly reluctantly. "Why is that, is he a player? Is there something I don't know about him?"

Jimin needed to think very carefully about his next words. It was true that at first he wanted Jungkook to have nothing to do with Taehyung. The blonde had a long and sad history and for decades had had no interest in anyone beyond a single night.

But Jimin did know something about Taehyung that Jungkook didn't. That Taehyung was his mate. And as long as Taehyung had lamented not having one Jimin didn't think he would do anything to screw this up.

"Tae is very dear to me. I won't go into a story that's his to tell but his last relationship really scarred him. And since then, he's been a little reluctant to give anyone else a chance. I thought that would be the case but he's taken an interest in you Kook. I've never seen him act like this around anyone."

"I thought he liked me but now I'm not so sure." Jungkook said uncertainly.


"Well, he came to my apartment today with takeout to surprise me, I didn't know until he called to ask where I was." Jungkook chuckled, remembering Taehyung pouting on the phone.

He could heard Jimin Aweing in response.

"So we were watching a movie and eating together and..." Jungkook blushed.

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