He couldn't imagine his life without Draco or Alex, or even Kevin.

They were an important part of Finn's life.

"What are you doing out here?" Zeth asked, walking out of the restaurant with his head held high as Finn tried to quiet his brain, "We have the restaurant to ourselves, you know? Don't get me wrong, I love the attention, but it's nice to have a night for ourselves without paparazzi hiding behind flower pots and taking photos from a nearby table."

"I needed a moment alone..." Finn sighed, looking at the moon, "You know? I used to have nothing, Zeth. Not even a family that loved me, and more than once I slept on the beach, alone, crying for being ignored and rejected by everyone," Finn lowered his head. "And then you gave me a chance, you gave me a job, a family. But nothing lasts forever."

"Are you getting philosophical?" Zeth placed his forearms on the stone railing, looking at the roses below. Neither he nor Finn looked at each other, but they were both breathing in sync. "Doesn't silence feel strange to you?"

"I like it here." Finn turned towards Zeth. "But I am not sure if I enjoy my own company enough to stay for long. Thank you for coming to see me, but I know that's not why you came. I know why you want to be here alone with me."

"I don't think this is a good time, But I did come to keep you company, I know you get sad when you're alone," Zeth sighed in unison with Finn.

"I heard you, yelling at Draco," Finn whispered, "What did the Animaniac do now?"

"Something stupid, as usual," Zeth rolled his eyes. "He dropped a very expensive bottle of wine. He was telling us about that time his popcorn caught fire in the frying pan, he opened his hands to simulate an explosion and... Crash. Oh well! Guess who's going to pay for it."

"You will," Finn rubbed his forehead.

"At least it was almost empty," Zeth turned his back on the garden, His pose was relaxed, and he looked sideways at Finn with his classic pretty boy face. "You look worried. You are handsome when you are worried."

"I'm just your replacement for tonight," Finn grunted, "I saw how you looked at Frank and Jade. You wanted to go with her."

"You know I never lie, right?" Zeth asked and Finn nodded.

"You say it doesn't make sense because the truth always comes to light."

"I wasn't looking at Jade and Frank." Zeth admitted, "I was looking at how happy they looked together. And I wish I had something like that."

"Were you jealous?"

"I'm too old for that, and you know it. Why do you think I proposed the poly relationship?" Zeth took a side step to get closer to Finn, "You weren't jealous, Finn?"

"That you were staring at Jade and Frank instead of me?" Finn trumpeted his lips, "Please!"

"I wasn't talking about myself," Zeth narrowed his eyes as Finn looked at him with a raised eyebrow, "Wow, so you haven't noticed."

"What have I not noticed?"

"Seriously, haven't you realised that someone else is, shall we say, in love with you?" Zeth wiggled his bushy eyebrows, "Someone who maybe seems like a great friend but obviously likes you?"

"Jade and I only see each other as friends for now but... Zeth, do you remember what you told me the night we filmed at the strip club?" Finn turned to see Zeth, handsome under the moonlight. "That you and I could be more than friends?"

"Yeah," Zeth nodded slowly. "Do you want that too?"

"I don't know yet," Finn answered. "I'm afraid I might get hurt. But this past year, now that people finally see me and I'm no longer in anyone's shadow, I think it's helped me accept that maybe..."

"Maybe what?"

"I've seen the way you look at me now, and to be honest, you look at me differently," Finn said, his eyes locked on Zeth's. "Do you have feelings for me now?"

"Obviously. Do you still have feelings for me?" Zeth cocked his head with a discreet smile, and Finn blushed and bit his lip. "That is a yes to me," Zeth said with a smirk.

"Doesn't it bother you that Jade is now with Frank, probably making love?"

"Why would it bother me? Does that bother you? Because that's what I was talking about. I thought that's why you were out here all sad and alone with your thoughts." Zeth moved closer to Finn, placing her hand on his.

But Finn removed his hand, surprising Zeth.

"I already told you that Jade and I are just friends," Finn replied.

"You must be very blind not to understand what I'm talking about, but it is not my duty to tell you. Time will open your eyes."

"I always thought I'd never have the courage to ask this but, Zeth..." Finn gulped, "Zeth, would you like to, I don't know..."

"Would you like to be my boyfriend, Finn?" Zeth dropped the bomb and the blonde blinked very quickly.

MY SEVEN BOYFRIENDS ARE IN A BOYBAND - Polyamourous SmuttsWhere stories live. Discover now