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Nina's POV

the concert had just finished and we were now all backstage and just chilling.

- it was amazing guys! You will never stop impressing me with how good you actually are, it's incredible.

- Aw thank you so much Nina we really appreciate that!

Jure said with a huge smile on his face, they all looked genuinely really happy. I loved seeing them like that. They really deserve it, every single part of it.

It was time to start pack up everything and leave cause tomorrow the train to Stockholm leaves very early cause there's one change in another city, so to be able to get to Stockholm in time we need to leave extremely early.

I was cleaning up in the backstage while the others were taking care of all the gear that was on stage. When we were finished up we all went back to the hotel to get a few hours of sleep before we had to get back up again.

This time I didn't sleep with jan cause I felt like I needed to start being used to sleep alone. I can't sleep with someone for the rest of my life.

I went into my room and took a shower before sitting down on my bed and pulled out my laptop to edit some of the pics from today. I felt my phone start to vibrate multiple times which started to get annoying so I decided to look what it was.

My baby boo<3

Hey, I just wanted you to know that if something happens don't hesitate to come here.

Like at all

I'm always here for you remember that

Don't worry Jan, I will be fine I promise! But you should go to sleep it will be a long day tomorrow.

Okey good, goodnight I love you<3

I love you too<3


I must have looked like an idiot sitting there in my bed all alone smiling like a fool. But he really was the cutest. I will never get over that.

It was a little over 4am and I had just gotten up to go down and meet the others to get ready to leave for the train station. I've never been this tired in my life and I literally felt like a walking corpse. But I was relieved to see I wasn't the only one. Everyone looked quite dead but we had to leave now or we would be late for the train.

- remind me again why we had to take a train this early instead of taking a flight a little later?

Bojan was everything but a morning person. It was actually hilarious, it looked like he had been run over by a buss multiple times.

- it was your idea brother, your idea.

- can I change it now?

- I think it may be a little to late for that now, sorry.

We got into the train and just a few minutes after it started rolling I fell asleep. I was woken up when we were supposed to get off, and then we had to wait 15 minutes before getting on the next train.

- I hate this so much, why did I have to come along.

I cried out, feeling like I would collapse from tiredness any second.

- you're getting paid, stop whining.

Bojan looked at me with annoying eyes. Bitch. As if he hasn't been complaining since the second he got up this morning.

We had arrived in Stockholm and we drove straight to the venue to get everything set for a sound check. When everyone was picking everything up a hand grabbed mine and dragged me to a bathroom, it was Jan.

- I've been keeping my hand off of you for way to long now.

I felt my cheeks starting to get hot and a smirk was put in Jan's face. It didn't take long until his lips were all over me, but we were interrupted by the door swinging open.

- what the actual fuck are you two doing?


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