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3rd Person PoV ::

Hanako and Nene watch as the leaves fall, local café's selling hot chocolate to go, and most importantly..

Halloween upcoming.

All the beautiful decorations getting hung up in the local park, around houses, and in Kanome Academy - the school.

"Hey, Yashiro?" Hanako asked, coming to a halt.

He grabbed her hand, making her stop walking too, yet also gaining her attention.

"What, Hanako-kun? I have to go to the Café before it closes! There Pumpkin Spice Latte is available!! Its LIMITED time!! Lets goooo!" Yashiro nagged, rolling her eyes.

"Yashiro." Hanako's voice was cold, he was looking at her dead in the eyes.

"..Hanako-kun? Whats up?" As the daikon-legged girl spoke, with a slight hint of worry in her voice, she turned round to face him. "Somethings wrong, what is it?"

"You remember.. Not so long ago. That guy, Natsuhiko was his name." Hanako spoke once more, pulling yashiro close to him.

".. Yeah? What about him?" Yashiro questioned, she didn't know what, or how, Natsuhiko was worring him.

It took a while for her to realize what Hanako was referring too.

The silence would've been deafening, if it wasnt for the wind blowing the leaves around. Speak of the wind, Yashiro's hair was blowing around, following the pattern of those leaves.

She looked like a goddess.

Thats besides the point, however.
Yashiro realized what Hanako was on about.

His brother, tsukasa.

"What do you think.. Will happen?" Yashiro asked, her and Hanako were now sat down in the café yashiro was previously on about.

Hanako ordered a Hot Chocolate, Yashiro ordered the Pumpkin Spice Latte she wanted.

"If i knew, i would tell you, Yashiro." Hanako took a sip of his hot chocolate, then stirred it round with a teaspoon he was handed alongside his drink.

"Hana-" Yashiro was about to speak, before then getting interrupted, by Hanako. He was clenching his fists, looking down at the table.

"Yashiro enough! You are going to die soon, and nobody knows when! Theres no guarantee that you'll become a school mystery, let alone a school wonder!" Hanako slammed his hands onto the table, his drink spilling out slightly.

Many people in the café began to look at the two, invested. Perhaps in how he knows this girl will die soon? Yet thats just one of many thoughts rushing through these people's heads.

"H.. Hanako-kun.. I don't know what to do, okay? I just want to spend the rest of my time left happy! I don't care that I'll die soon! I just want to make you and others smile! I dont want you to.."
Yashiro was crying, she was stood up, her drink spilt all over the table. If the table wasnt soaked already in the spilt drink, it was now by her tears.

Yashiro was shaking uncontrollably, which had startled hanako.

'He fucked up' is what the background characters would be thinking, but they dont matter.

"NOTHING! Theres NOTHING i can do, Hanako-kun! Considering theres little of my time left.. I doubt ANYONE can do to make me live longer! Its pointless! WHY SPEND THE REST OF MY TIME HERE WORRYING ABOUT WHEN I WONT BE HERE?!" Yashiro was now yelling.

Hanako could feel everyone's eyes on him.

"Yashiro! Listen to me! I want YOU to be happy, forever! And im trying, im doing EVERYTHING i can to try make YOU live forever! You was upset at me for doing one of the only possible methods of making this happen! You dont get it. You never do." Hanako was retaliating, yet managing to keep it under control at the same time.

"Yashiro. Im doing this for you. Everything i have been doing, is for you." He then continued. Yashiro wasn't hearing it.

Her mind was racing, she looked at hanako once more.

"By sacrificing my best friend. Is that supposed to make me happy. Huh?" She said, shaking. "I cant believe a word that comes out your mouth anymore, Hanako-kun!"

And with that, she ran out.

Nothing really does have a happy ever after.
Theres no guaranteeing that these two will either.

Lifes unfair.

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