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Minamoto Teru PoV ::

There's a new student? That rumor has been ticking me off lately.

Me and Aoi-kun have to inspect the classes, we agreed for him to take the right side of the building, and I'll take the classes on the left.

Nothing too much out of the ordinary, a few mokke every now and then. We just had to ask if they were able to talk part in the upcoming festival.

I'm now on the 3rd floor of the building, checking the last class. There's a few familiar faces.

Kou, my younger brother, Aoi-kun and Akane-san (the girl Aoi-kun likes), Yashiro I believe her name and someone else.

He looks familiar but I can't put my finger on it.

Amane PoV ::

Class was going great until that exorcist came into our class. Not the kid, his older brother.

Sh*t! He looked at me?

Does he know who I am?

Surely he won't do anything, right?

"Hanako?" He said, looking at me, confused.

"Oh right, I'm sorry, you must be the new student. Pleased to meet you, my name is Teru Minamoto." He continued.

Stupid. Seriously, how dumb do you have to be to mistake me in the new and old uniform?

Second hand embarrassment.

"Right, I have an announcement. There is a festival taking place at this school, based on Astronomy. Would anyone like to take part?" He asked, smiling.

His smile was off. Like it was fake.

I don't care about that, there's a festival of autonomy taking place!! Amazing!!

I raise my hand high as soon as the words hit my ear, very few of the other classmates did as well. The ones that did was nowhere near as eager as me, one being the Kid, another being Aoi-san.

"Kou, Akane-san and New Student, thank you for willing to participate!" He spoke once more, before bowing down to show his gratitude for everyone listening. He then made his way out the classroom.

THAT'S SO COOL! A FESTIVAL OF MY FAVORITE THING EVER!! Apart from Daikons and Donuts! Daikons remind me of Yashiro, you know, because of her legs.

Anyway-! I should pay attention.

I know all of this already though! Snooping on Tsuchigomori-senei's lessons really paid off. I distracted him a few times and everyone thought he was going insane, but that's not my fault.

It is my fault.

Of course it is. It's ally fault. I annoyed Tsuchigomori-senei, and made people think he was going crazy.

I really am such a mean person.

The One I Love ☆Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя