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{{ Hey hey! The bonus chapter / last chapter wasn't really relevant, but I just wanted to let you guys know what happened during then incase you was curious! Thank you for the support, to the one person that is reading all of these and commenting on them! It means a lot <33}}

{{Lunch break, Nene pov.}}

.. I want to see hanako! But does he want to see me?

Her hand is shaky, trembling. She reaches out to open the bathroom door.

Should I..?

Nene sighs, steps back and turns around. That's when she's face to face with hanako. It made her jump a little.

Hanako's expression was blank, yet full of fear at the same time. He blinked, and tried to speak. His voice was cracked, nothing was coming out. He then started to blink back tears. Tears that would fall any moment now.

"h-hanako-kun..?" I stuttered, he looked in pain. In proper pain. I couldn't stand seeing him like this!

Without a thought, I pulled him into a hug, tears flowing out my eyes. They wouldn't stop falling.

{{Hanako pov, what just happened but what hanako was doing instead}}

Is that.. yashiro? Why is she..

Why is she standing outside my bathroom?

Hanako hears Nene sigh, and sees her put her arm down. She steps back, making hanako then step back.

She turns around. Face to face with him.

I want to say sorry in person, not through a lowsy letter. But why is nothing coming out?? Why can I speak.. Why?!

"h-hanako-kun..?" Yashiro says. She still thinks we are close.. Huh? The honorific, after all.

Nene pulls hanako into a hug. Causing the tears he was holding back to all come falling out, like a storm of mixed emotions.

"I.. I'm sorry.. I.. Please forgive me.." I say, tears leaving my eyes, with a croaky voice.

Yashiro just tightens the hug

"Of course I forgive you, Hanako-kun!" yashiro tells me in response.

Have I been.. Avoiding her for nothing?

Am I really that mean?

I can't believe what an awful person I am

How could she still forgive me?!

"Hanako-kun.. There's something i need to tell you." she speaks, breaking the hug. Her hands are placed in her shoulders. Making eye contact, I immediately look down, scared to look at her.

{{ Sorry it was short, I'll try make the next one longer <3}}

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