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Kou PoV ::

Mitsuba's mum came to visit? Why?

"You and Sousuke were close, wasn't you? I know there's a festival coming up soon, and I have a bag with things could you please include? This is selfish to ask, I'm sure. But could you do this?" She asked. Of course I would do it! So polite too.

"Of course! And I have some spare curry if you'd like to have some! I cooked too much, so please have as much as you'd like!" I offer, smiling. She came all this way, I may as well.

Next day, Hanako PoV ::

We have school todayy!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!

Why does the world hate me.

Me and Yashiro have already left, so we are just waiting for the Boy and the others. What did Mitsuba's mun even come to see him for?? Wouldn't he tell us if it was important?

What's their relation?? I mean, the Boy and Mitsuba are close, but I'm on about the Boy and Mitsuba's mum.

Did he know mitsuba when he was living or something??

What are the odds, eh?

Oh yeah - the festival is in a week!! Don't know why that Exorcist would tell us a week and a day before it to plan everything. So unprepared. Even us ghosts can do better!

I'm no longer a ghost though.

How would Aoi-san react if we told her the so-called rumors were true? Apart from the rooftop singing girl! That was just an insult.

I wanna tell her but I know I can't. Number One would hate me even more for that!

Think of, why doesn't he hate me?

Why do people care about me? I do nothing but make people sad and miserable. I can't even grant yashiro's wish properly.

I suck at everything. I'm a failure, and that's all I'll ever be.

Why am I still here? There's no point of me even being alive. I was a little bit more useful dead. But even then I got Yashiro into trouble for bothering her in class.

She tells me not to do it, but I do so for my own selfish desire. I humiliate her in front everyone. I make a complete fool out of her.

"Nene-chan! Yugi-kun!" Aoi-san runs up to us, waving hi. "Nene-chan, I used to think you was a little schizophrenic because you kept talking to yourself, like having proper conversations. You would even do it in class! You've stopped now, it was kinda scaring me.."

"I was talking to myself- huh?!" Yashiro is obviously in shock about what Aoi-san said.

They keep talking, but I can't hear their voices. I can only hear my thoughts. Me, myself, and I.

'Your fault everyone things Yashiro is a weirdo!'

'Nobody even likes you'

'They are all just pretending'


'Cut till you see the bone'

'Kill yourself.'

I hate these thoughts. I can't control them. They happen out of nowhere, and just can't stop.

I disgust myself. I want to peel my skin of.

The thought of myself makes me want to pu-

I end up cutting my sentence because I started to gag. I'm going to vomit- I'm going to vomit!!

"Y.......u.......n!        A-e. k..?"

Is that someone's voice? Everything is going blurry. I can't see.. My hearing is cloudy, I can barely hear. Everything is spinning

What's happening?

ฬђคt'ร ђคקקєภเภﻮ??

{{ ^ 'what's happening??' }}

₳₥ ł ĐɎł₦₲?

{{  ^ 'am I dying?' }}

𐌉𐌕 𐌂𐌀𐌍'𐌕 𐌄𐌍𐌃 𐌕𐋅𐌉𐌔 Ꮤ𐌀𐌙. 𐌍Ꝋ𐌕 Ꮭ𐌵𐌔𐌕 yet

{{ ^ 'it can't end this way, not just yet' }}

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