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{Nene pov}

I.. Look like I'm going to cry..? Huh? What does Hanako-kun mean? I don't feel sad! Is he going insane or something? Or maybe he's just trying to get a reaction out of me! But.. Something in those honest amber eyes of his force the truth down my throat. I know deep down that Hanako-kun cares for me, something makes me feel ashamed, scared, and doubtful.

"you going to tell me what's wrong, little miss daikon?" he spoke, his face is so close to mine, I could feel his breath. His choppy back hair that he has to blow away is cute.. His smile is addictive.

"sorry, hanako-kun! I can't talk right now!!"

Nene notices Aoi looking at her weirdly, but tries to ignore it.

"meanie! Anyway, you have to clean the bathroom again!"

"SERIOUSLY?!" I stand up from my seat and yell - everyone looking at me, concerned

"Yashiro, please refrain from screaming in class. Do you need a break?" The teacher offers. If this was Tsuchigomori-sensei's class, he would understand why I just yelled. Not my fault Hanako-kun is making me do these stupid things against my own will!

Yashiro nods her head, yes, then excuses herself from class

Hanako-kun is so mean sometines! Does he like seeing me all humiliated like this?!

"welll~ now you got out of class! Did you see the note I wrote for you?"

"note? What note? You mean the I found on the bathroom door?"


"I did see it, but come on, that handwriting is horrible Hanako-kun!!"

"It's not my fault I didn't go to school for over 50+ years!"

"Hanako-kun. You couldn't LEAVE the school since you died! At least I think-"

"Well! Tsuchigomori-sensei never bothered to teach me when I'm dead, and I have no need to learn anyways!"

"Well. Uh.. What did you do in your free time then?! Drawing? Writing? Spying on people?"

Mitsub comes along, butting into their conversation

"daikon-senpai! He was CLEARLY watching lewd things like the perverted crazy knife guy he his!!"

Yashiro and Mitsuba began to laugh a little bit, as Hanako folds his arms then faces the other direction. Just like an upset little kid!

Hanako-kun is really child like.. That reminds me - I wanted to ask him something!

Yashiro and Mitsuba calm down, and stopped laughing. Hanako faces back at them, unfolding his arms. Yashiro looks at hanako.

"Hey, hanako-kun, I have a question"

"Hm? What is it Yashiro?" Hanako said in reply.

Yashiro gives Mitsuba a look, then Mitsuba sighs. He puts his hands in his pockets and leaves

"what was your past like? Was there anyone you.. I don't know.. Had a crush on?" I ask Hanako, looking down at my feet, fiddling with my thumbs.

"The little daikon assistant wants to know about my past, eh~? But yes, there was this girl I liked. Not like I should tell you this! And it's not like you'd know her anyway."

So.. Hanako-kun liked someone. What's this feeling..? Am i- no.. I can't be jealous! Hanako-kun definitely isn't my type! Or so I tell myself..

Does he.. Still like her..?

Does he?

"You alright, Yashiro?? You look sad again.. ARE YOU JEALOUS?!"

Hanako laughs a little, the thought of Yashiro being jealous of a girl he liked in the past amused him. He stops looking at yashiro, to realize she's crying

Why am I.. I can't stop crying. What's with me?! Why can't Hanako-kun like me instead? Why to I fall for everyone that.. Would never like me. Ever. I really am worthless.

Yashiro, still looking down, begins to tremble. Her voice is croaky, as if she's just been through another heartbreak. Which she had.

{hanako pov}

I messed up. She must hate me now. I'm such a fool! I messed up. This is the second time I made her cry. Why am I such an idiot! What do i do?! I shouldn't of answered, better yet, I should of said there wasn't anyone I like! I don't like nene-oneesan anymore! I like, no, love yashiro.

And she hates me.

Yashiro hates me.

I don't blame her.

I would hate me too.

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