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49 1 13

Amane PoV ::

What happened? I still feel like I'm gonna be sick..

Where the hell am I?

Where's Aoi-san and Number 1?

Am I in the nurse's office or something? The first aid place?

What's it called.. The school infirmary isn't it?

My hear hurts..

I let out a groan in pain, one hand is clutching my stomach, the other is holding my head.

I remove the hand holding my head because it feels.. Wet.

I look down at my hand.

Is this..


I look at the pillow where my head was previously resting. It has a huge red stain.

My head is bleeding? What?

What happened? All I remember was everything getting fuzzy.

I think I'm gonna -

I turn my head to the left and throw up

-.. Throw up.


I hate being sick, because it reminded me of..back then.

When I had that disease.

I feel repulsed about my past. Even the bare thought of it makes my skin crawl.

I despise it.

Not so long later, the nurse comes inside and looks at me with pure and absolute horror.

She dropped the tray she was holding and started to back up, holding her stomach with one hand, the other hand trying to stop her from being sick.

What happened?


What was so bad that the Nurse almost threw up by the sight of me?

My skin hurts.

My skin.

My skin?

I want to peel it off.

I want to peel off my skin.

My skin?



Colours are everywhere, everything is neon.

My head hurts.


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