The letter|2

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Grey POV
I was in the middle of a fight with flame brain (Natsu) when our heads suddenly bonked together and I fell back onto the ground. Ezra stood in between us and I stood up quickly. "Grey a small ice thing came for you and it won't let anybody elts see it and it keeps calling your name!" Ezra stated yelling the last part obviously annoyed. I walked over to the small ice slit and touched it, it opened and became a letter like when a rose blossoms. I read it and I start freaking out inside my head. I think the others noticed because Ezra asked "Grey is everything alright?" I turned over to her feeling my face pale as ever, looked back to the letter and tapped it. I exploded into tiny ice fireworks and I started walking towards the guild doors. Pulling on cloths in the process noticing that I was stripped. She could already be here. Natsu blocked my path and I shoved him out of the way. I looked over at Lucy and beckoned her over to me and she came over with a few hesitation movements. "grey are you okay?" "Yea I'm fine but I need to talk with you at your apartment" she nodded and led the way. When we reached the doors to her room I burst in and sat on her bed putting my head in my hands. "Grey?" Lucy started "what is going on?" "Somebody is coming" "is that a bad thing? We could fight them off together as a guild like always!" I sighed and replied a simple answer, then more complex "no it's not somebody's a relative of mine and she will need a place to stay but I will warn you, if she stays here she might break things." I continued looking up and at her " she is my only relative left and she is special. She has not mastered all her powers yet and she can be trouble" " I'm shure she will be just fine, and I'm happy to share my place with her!" I nodded and moved around picking things after things that she would be able to destroy and she helped without question, Picking up priceless things and stuff that was valuable to her. When we were finished I looked down to make shure all my cloths were still on. They were not. "LUCY YOU NEED TO HELP MY STRIPPING PROBLEM!!!" "Understood, I will have Ezra beat you up every time you are without cloths on. In fact I'll let everybody in on it." I nodded seeing how it would help but not entirely happy that people will be punching me all day. We returned and I told Lucy to tell the rest about the stripping thing and Natsu was the moast to accept it. I suddenly felt a punch on the back of my head and I looked over at who hit me. "Natsu!" "You stripped" "oh" I pulled on cloths again. When I felt the presence. She was in the city. I started to tell people to behave them selves and Ezra with the help of Lucy tried to help me calm down. I made shure that I had cloths on and went to the door opening it walking out and closing it. Facing the blood relative. "Hello" I stated being completely awkward. What do you expect from family who haven't seen each other in more than 10 years. "Hi back" she said.

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