7- Proposal

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Aru's Pov:

It's the next day of yesterday's nightmare where I almost got suspended and thankfully today was normal until it started raining on my way home after classes. I love rain but I sometimes wonder why does it have to rain only at odd hours but I somehow enjoyed it walking through the streets of our home.

I finally reached home drenched in water already prepared to hear the taunts from my mother & grandma. It's nothing new. But what wasn't new was there were shoes that doesn't belong to us at the entrance of our house at this hour. Mhmm great! Looks like relatives visited. Honestly it isn't new either, it's common in desi households to have guest visits on daily basis. They always have something going on in their lives but I'm glad we don't visit their houses as often as they do. It's annoying sometimes.

I proceed to step in only to find myself in an embarrassing position but I was already prepared for it. What I wasn't prepared was for what I see infront of me, Shikar Adani Chauhan in OUR HOME? That too with a woman who would probably be HIS WIFE? I pinch myself if I'm day dreaming as usual but this has to be too far. No way. Oh god please no.. tell me this is a joke. What are they doing here? Why would they visit us out of million homes in Mumbai? Don't tell me they're here to suspend me personally. I'm not ready. The anxiety creeps into my bones but I gather myself to calm down and greet both of them with an awkward smile. That is all I could do right now.

I slowly shift my gaze onto my family members whose faces are looking lifeless. Shit. Please don't be what I'm thinking.

"Come sit with us, Aradhya. We were just waiting for you & here you are" says the woman who's probably Mrs Adani.

"Ah.. I'm sorry ma'm & sir for my appearance. It suddenly started pouring while I was coming back home. I'll quickly change and be back" I explain while hiding my shaky hands.

"It's okay dear, we are about to leave either way. You can take your time. I've discussed the subject for exactly why we're here, to your parents. Do let us know your opinion by tomorrow" Mr Adani says as he shifts his gaze from me to my dad.

What is he talking about? What opinion? I see him with knitted brows when they stood up to leave.

"Thank you for having us and treating us with so much respect. We're touched and we hope to give you back the same" They leave while my parents follow them to give them company till their car which I ignored that was in-front of our home thinking it must be someone else's. Looks like they left & I hear familiar footsteps coming towards the hall. Anxiety creeps into me again but this time it's intense.

"What is it papa?" I finally speak after moments of silence as no one were willing to speak and my mom looked like she was at the verge of crying and I'm already trembling. While my grandma has already started crying. My sister is missing at the hour I need her the most. The curiosity is killing me and no one is speaking anything.

"I'm not going to accept this Nitesh. Never" grandma finally speaks something that makes zero sense to me.

"What? Will anyone consider telling me anything or do I just leave. I'm already drenched in a pool of water" I proceed as I loose my cool.

"They asked your hand for their son" my heart came to my throat when I heard my grandma continue to say those words. A slow gasp that was half stuck in my throat comes out. But I end up laughing "It's not the time for circus show grams, get to the point now"

"It's true Aru" my father says in a shaky voice and I see a tear escape his eyes and it almost broke me seeing him like that. I'm numb. What is happening at all? Maybe my day wasn't as normal as I thought it was few minutes ago.

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