Ch. 37 || Hospital

Start from the beginning

"Go ahead, it's all yours baby." I wink at her when she turns her head abruptly at me.

"Disgusting." Cade chimed in. Walking inside through the glass door. The smile on my face falls off.

"That was so cringe, Damien. You have spent half of your life with me, at least you could learn something about flirting from me." Cade cringed.

I threw the pillow at him. "Yeah because, like you, I haven't slept with half of the population of maxion." I grunt.

"Guys, shut up." Zaria said with an awkward face.

Cade threw the pillow back and it hit against my wound. I groan in pain. "You deserve to lose at least 3 fingers. Be grateful that I'm still being generous with you."

"What the hell are you doing ? Can't you see a couple talking here ?" I ask him.

Soon I see the familiar face of a male doctor entering the room. There's not too many people here on this floor, especially to meet me. I doubt my family even knows about my situation.

We're definitely at the top floor of the headquarters where only chosen people are allowed to enter via access card. Because they're the only ones who are allowed to see the hunters' real faces. They have signed an NDA. If anyone reveals our identities, they'll have to die unfortunately. It's a harsh decision but we can't risk our identity no matter what.

"Zaria wanted to talk about something to you and she wanted me here to be with her. I can't say no to my sister."

When he said "sister." Both zaria and Cade awkwardly looked at each other as if they're realising they're actually in fact blood related.

The doctor checked the monitor and asked me some questions and left after telling me to rest. Cade stood far behind in the shadows as always. Like a true king of shadows. Even the sleep paralysis demons would be scared of him if they saw Cade like that.

"Do you know who Thora Kastor is ?" Zaria asked nervously.

My body went still. My muscles tensed.I stopped exhaling the air for a moment. How does she know about this ? Does she remember anything ? My heart started beating faster. I'm so close, so close to finding her, if she remembers…

"Yes." I said honestly. If she's asking this question then it means she already knows so much. There's no reason for me to not tell her anything about our past.

She shut her eyes and after opening them again she spoke. "The day after you came back here, me and Cade went to a priest, who was also a licensed hypnotherapist. He knew stories about thora kastor. He was telling the story and I don't know why but I felt compelled, like someone possessed me. He had a doubt that I am thora so we agreed to hypnotise me. And….the truth is, I am Thora. And if that wasn't enough, Lucien confirmed it too."

Everything she just said was unbelievable to process. I just wasn't there for 3 days and all of this happened. I was supposed to be there for her during this kind of situation. I want to tell her, I want to hold her and kiss her so deeply that all the memories of our past life would reflect back to her. I don't need a fucking priest or whatever to do that.

I'm getting more and more angry at myself. fuck, i should have been there with her.

"What in the world does Lucien have to do with this ?" I asked, my eyebrows narrowed and eyes ignited.

"Lucien says he is helios and you are Adrian." She played with her hands nervously, biting her lips and looking at me with something I couldn't decipher.

The igniting anger in my veins is getting dangerous.

"He is lying. I am the helios you're talking about." I grunt.

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