Ch. 19 || Black Amex 🌶️

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Zaria 🌹

Trigger Warnings
Sexual content, CNC,
Bondage, degradation

Today was really a hectic day. I double checked some wedding arrangements with Damien's mom.

My designer wedding gown will directly be delivered at the beach villa owned by Erik's for decades, where the wedding would be happening.

It's locked in Kauai, Hawaii.

I have seen in pictures; it has a large balcony overlooking the sea and surrounded by mountains. The place is majestic. Perfect would be an understatement.

Damien's dad and mine already left for there to do some pre-wedding arrangements.

It's almost 9: 30 at night right now. Me and Cade have finally got the time and are discussing the manuscripts over facetime for the last twenty minutes. God knows when we will get the time after this.

"I know this language but not entirely. We'll have to meet in person to translate it. I will need them to see for myself." Cade yawned as he leaned back in his chair, stretching his muscled arms behind his head.

"How about before the flight?" I spoke. The private flight is at 12 noon tomorrow.

The wedding is day after tomorrow, and we all will leave tomorrow morning. I have already packed all my luggage.

"Works. How are you feeling about the wedding?" No matter how much he tries, his eyes betrayed the concern he tries to hide with his levelled voice.

I am honestly tired of this question.

"Thanks for asking but it doesn't really matter how I am feeling about the wedding. I signed up for it. It's happening. Will you stop asking!" My voice holds a bit of edge but I am not proud of it. Damien's little stunt in the party still hasn't left me. Nor has that kiss.

"Woah okay, ma'am. No need to get all worked up. I will stop."

I let out a sigh. "I am sorry. I know you are just looking out for me and I am really grateful, Cade, but I am just... stressed and frustrated and tired and you just got in the line of fire. I didn't mean to snap. Sorry."

Luckily, Cade doesn't dwell on it. "Understandable, darling. Dark circles don't suit you, by the way."

"I will take care of my looks. You better be present. Don't pull another stunt where you are not present for half of the event." I have a smile on my face.

"Wouldn't dream of missing it. It's a miracle Damien is marrying in the first place. Miracles are supposed to be witnessed."

I let out a light laugh. "See you tomorrow, Cade. Good night."

"Good night." He said and declined the call.

I kept my laptop in the kitchen and went to take a shower. I put on my red Two-piece nightgown and turned off my room's light. I went to double check the locks in the apartment. Thia is staying over at her boyfriend's place so I'm all alone tonight.

Perfect. I've been looking for this privacy. Life's really been so stressful for a while now, I need some physical release.

I went back into my room and without bothering to turn the lights on, I opened my cupboard's drawer and picked up my remote-control vibrator.

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