A somewhat "normal" evening

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"Double egg, huh? Interesting name." Rui smirked

Double egg nodded.. "yeah. Thanks."

"Anyway, heres my credit card."

"Mhm... you're all set! Your order will be ready soon." Rui smiled as he gave back double egg's credit card.

Double egg took it and sighed as he sat to the nearest table waiting for his order.

As he sits down, he pulls out his sea cucumber phone.
He goes on Squidtube Kids and types "chase247" on the search bar.

He clicks on Chase247's tetra dualies showcase and starts watching.

He only got about 20 seconds in until...

"Your order is done!"

He heard rui yell far away.

"Aw shucks.. i didnt get to finish watching chase247. Whatever." double egg thought as he walked up to the counter.

"Thanks, have a good day." Double egg pretended to smile as he grabbed the Mc Donald's bags.


At the abandoned house....

"When will double egg be hereeee?" Tsukasa sneaked up behind dazai.

"Oh, he'll be here soon." Dazai reasurred him.

15 minutes later..

The loose front door opens, revealing the blue tentacled inkling as he walked in carrying the McDonald's bags.

"I'm... here.." Double egg was panting.

"Hey. Whats wrong? Why are you panting?" Dazai asked him with slight concern evident

"I .. just.. had to run all the way from here. Sorry." Double egg was still panting.

"Specifically because.. I have to tell you something."

"Oh? What is it?" Dazai listened with curiosity.

"I'll explain it later.. Let's just eat. Where are the others?" Double egg shrugged it off, as he placed the bags on the table.

"Dan is taking a nap, while korekiyo and tsukasa are doing kidz bop down in the basement."

"Oh.. alright. (Kidz bop?? What the hell)" double egg tried to hide his visible confusion.

"I'll wake dan up.. you go tell the others the food is here." Dazai told double egg.

"Kay." Double egg flatly responded as he picked up the bags once again.

Double egg started going down the flight of stairs leading to the basement carrying the bags.

Right before entering, he hesitated just because of the music coming from the room.

"Why do I hear party rock anthem playing?...I feel so bad for korekiyo..." Double egg felt sympathy for the guy.

Knock knock


Double egg was faced with korekiyo standing in the doorway with tsukasa peaking behind him.

"Oh, hello double egg." Korekiyo greeted him.

"Here is your food.. and here's the other ones."

"Thanks!" "Thank you." Tsukasa and korekiyo said in unison.


Dazai Pov

"Hey... babe. Wake up. The foods here."

Dan immediately stood up from his nap

"Ah yes! Time to endulge in some delicious filet o fish! Thanks babe!"

"You flatter me. But double egg bought all of this, remember." Dazai smirked

"Oh. Yeah. Were any of the kids misbehaving while I was asleep?"

"No... not really."

"That's marvelous! Now if u excuse me, time to eat my filet o fish!"

Dazai wondered why he fell in love with such a weirdo.

"Okay, let me call Double egg. I think hes still downstairs."

"DOUBLE EGG!" Dazai shouted.


Double egg pov


As he was walking up the stairs, he heard his name being shout.

He hurried up the stairs until he reached the top.

"You called me?.."

"..Oh yeah. Dan's meal. Here it is." Double egg remembered, as he handed it to dazai.


"By the way.. remember what I told you? Call the
others up here. We need to discuss something."

"Oh.. yeah." Dazai remembered.


Fast forward...

"So, why did you call us, Double egg?" Korekiyo questioned.


The others looked at him, waiting to hear him out.

"I hope i'm not overthinking, but.. someone might be onto us."

"What? Really? Why?" Dazai asked.

"Well... I met this guy at some food stand. Then later, he is at the McDonald's i got the food from. Like.. as the cashier."

"I didn't even see him. It's near the same route so.. it's just.. strange. He also gave me a strange feeling. Like he knew about us.."

Upon hearing double egg's information, dazai spoke up.

"Oh.. shit." Dazai said, not letting the other part slip out.

"Y'know, i can always track him with my kokujoudai! " tsukasa suggested.

"Yeah.. but. I'm not sure. I mean, how could he track us? Let alone ME?" Double egg responded, letting a bit of his leftover X blood pride show.

"And, the others. What happened with them? We just let them go."

"Well, we shouldn't worry about them right now. They might've ran from us, but I doubt they can do anythinf else." Dazai explained.

"Hmm.. i guess. And, the rainmaker, where did you guys even put it?" Double egg was getting evidently frustrated.

"Somewhere safe. Just.. don't worry. Let's worry about this guy you met." Dazai continued explaining as he tried calming him down.

Dan suddenly spoke up amongst all the chatter.

"well. I mean.. maybe it's not THAT bad. Maybe.. we shouldn't destroy the world." His voice slightly lowering on the last sentence.


"What do you mean by that?.." Dazai's eyes narrowed.

I have blessed thou with a long chapter! Things are gonna get crazy from now on

- Author

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