A new.. strange face

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Double egg was leaning his back against the wall.

He's seen talking to a black will o wisp.

"..So that's where they are.. they're also trying to find who's behind goggles death too, huh? Well that'll make all of this much easier." Double egg grinned, as he stopped leaning against the wall and left.


Double egg was a litlle hangry... he was going back towards their base... but then he spotted a food stand!

"Great! I can get something to eat." Double egg thought.

"Hey. What are you selling?" Double egg asked the food vendor.

Double egg took a closer look at the vendor, lookint at their features.

A young man, with short purple hair with 2 blue streaks. He had yellow eyes, wore an apron, and he had a little chef hat.

Just as double egg was thinking of the vendors appearance, the vendor spoke up.

"Hey. I sell cheese samples, not really enough to fill u up if you're looking for a meal."

"Oh.. okay. Thanks for telling me, but no thanks."

Double egg's mood died down, since he was REALLY hungry the abandoned house had no more food too...

Double egg took his leave, and decided to go to mcdonalds.


Double egg was at the nearest mcdonalds, and he called dazai on his sea cucumber phone.


Call has been answered

Double egg: Hey dazai, I'm gonna get mcdonalds for me and the others, what do you want?

Dazai: Oh.. mcdonalds? Sure. But i'll ask the others what they want first, I'm not that hungry.

Double egg: Sure.


Dan: Oh deary me! Ill get an exquisite filet o fish! Those things sure do tickle my fancy!

Double egg: Alright. (He likes filet o fish?... gross. And no drink???!....)

Korekiyo: i'll get 2 mc chickens and a hi-c red, please.

Double egg: Mhm... alright.

Tsukasa: Ooh! Can i have a happy meal? And a frozen fanta blue raspberry?

Double egg: *noted* Alright.. Dazai do you know what you're gonna get now?

Dazai: Yes. Ill have a quarter pounder with large fries please. Please also get a dr pepper.

Double egg: Okay, thank you. (EW?? DR PEPER LOVING FREAK)

Call has been hung up.

Double egg stepped into the mcdonalds, and was ready to order.

"Hello, what are you ordering today? :)"

That voice.. sounded familiar.

*Double egg looks at the cashier*

"No way. Its the food vendor? How did he get here THAT FAST? This is weird. What if someones onto us.." Double egg panicked as he thought about this possibility.

"Oh.. its you again. Part time job huh?" Double egg asked the cashier, trying to shrug off his worries.

"Yup! Fufufufu" the purple blue streaked haired cashier giggled.

"Well then, i'll have a....-"

As double egg listed all of the orders, the cashier looked up at him.

"Wow, who's all this food for?" Asked the cashier

"Oh.. for me and a couple of friends." Double egg akwardly smiled.

"Oh and.. what's your name? Since we've already met two times already." Double egg smiled trying to seem friendly.

"Oh! My name is rui kamishiro. You?"

"I'm ..double egg."

Of course, like any smart person would,

Double egg was gaining information from him to see if he was a threat to him and the others.

To be continued...

This chapter was pretty chill😅😅😅😅 leave a subscribe drop the like button and stay tuned😛🤙

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