
37 0 5

Dan, korekiyo, dazai, and double egg were waiting for tsukasa to come back.

They felt a cold breezs, and tehy turned around and tsukasa seems to have the blood of goggles...

"Heres the blood! Now i will make the rianmaker from now on."

"Alrighht! Thank you tsuaksa" said dan


It was a long night, tssukasa was construcitng the rainmaker, dazai was on facebook looking for hoes, korekiyo was messaging his roblox myths and hacker friends on discord, dan was collecting souls to put into the rainmaker, and double egg was drinking his pain away.

He didnt want to admit it but it hurt that x blood cast him out like that. He couldnt believe his only friends would do that to him.

He grabbed his 37th can of soda, and started chugginf away.


Emperor felt a tingle in his bones. No.... It cant be.... goggles is... dead?...

He must tell this to the others.

He ran up to headphones and bobble hat.

"Guys... goggles is.. dead."

"What... it cant be.. (fucking dumbass)" said headphones in disbelief

"Goggles is gone? :D" bobble hat said as a tear left her eye.

"We gotta tell specs..." emperor told them.

Emperor dialed specs on his sea cucumber phone.



Now calling..

"Please pick up.."



"Goggles.. is dead."


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