Making the rainmaker

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The group turned around, revealinf the person behind them.

"Who are you?..." asked double egg

"Are you a ghost too?..." asked dan

"My name is tsukasa and i am a ghost too. I can make the rainmaker.... With a price of course!"

"You can make the rainamker?... really?.." questuoned dazai

"Yes. But... the price is... a homosexuals blood. I dont hate gay people tho i promsie"


"Okay... why a homosexual person tho.." asked korekiyo

"Because a homosexuals blood is 100x stornger. It'll make the rainmaker powerful." Said tsukasa

"Now... we have to hunt down a gay person."


"I think i know who.." said double egg.

"Who?.." askd dan

"Someone i know... named goggles. He has goglges on his head and has blue tentacle ponytail hair"

"Alrighty :)) Ill find him then :)))" said tsukaasa

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