Blue teams loss

45 1 12

"Are you kidding me? Goggles is dead? How could he possibly die? He can just respawn, cant he?"

"Ehem, yes but.. there seems to be a disturbance specs. We dont know how he died..."

Upon hearing emperors words, specs got an idea.

"Well, lets retrace his steps, do you know where he was?"

"he seemed to be outisde a gas station, the one nearest to us."

"Alright... meet you there."

call has been hung up.


At the abandoned house

Double egg was on his last can of soda, ahe was about to start chugging but then-

"Damn bro can you actually do something to help us?" Said dazai.

"Well, i'm not the one trying to find hoes on fuckinf facebook." Double egg pitched in.

"DONT SAY SHIT ABOUT MY HOES DUDE" Yellled dazai, seemingly offended.

"Guys... dont fight please." korekiyo said worringly.

"PLS STOP FIGHTING... for me 🥹" begged dan.

"Whatever..." scoffed dazai

"Ugh, anwyay... tsukasa... is the rainmaker almost fone..?" Asked diible egg

"Its 84% done! But... we need another prsons blood."

".... Who?.." asked dazai

"I dunno .." said tsukasa

" not to worry! While i was hunting for souls, i killed an ugly bitch named emma. I took all of her blood." Said dan

"Omg really??! Thanks dan!" Said tsukasa

Dan gave tsukasa the blood and he put the blood in the rainamker and then....

"The rainmaker.. its... glowing?" Double egg said with his mouth wide open.

"Woah" gasped dan

"Whats happening to the rainmaker?" Asked korekiyo

"Its now 100x more stornger. Its done." Said tsukasa smiling

"Hmmm... somethinhs missing.."   said dazai

"I know what we should add...." Said double egg

"We shoukd make it rainbow."

And with  that, they turned the rianamker homosexual! And they were ready to battle!

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