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"Specs?...Emperor?... is that you?"

"....Vintage?... why are you here?" specs questioned

"I'll explain that later. But first, what are you guys doing here?"

"Well..uh-" Specs get cut off suddenly

"Goggles is dead." Emperor drops in.

"EMPEROR!" Specs yells annoyed.

"WHAT? He's dead??" Vintage says with his eyes wide open.

"We're not sure how, but we think looking around here will give us clues." specs explains.

"Anyway, are you here by yourself vintage?" asks emperor

Vintage forgot about the others.

Omega, red sole, hanako, and kou step out

"Oh! Omega and red sole. And.. two other people.. wheres double egg?" Specs questioned

"Uh.. he's not here right now. Anyway, you said goggles is dead, right?" Vintage said as he shrugged off double egg's absency.

"Yeah.. we're really not sure how.. do you have any idea how?" Asked specs

"Hmm... where did you find him?"

"We found him dead near a gas station.." Emperor answered.

Hanakos eyes widened

"Did you say a gas station?" Hanako asked

"yeah, do you know anything?" emperor said

"Erm.. yeah.. i think I know who did it"


Before hanako continued, he turned back to x blood

"Hanako... what did you do." Kou looks sternly at h*nako

"NO NO- It's not what it looks like. It wasn't me!" Hanako rushed to explain

"So.. you say your name is Hanako, right? What were you doing?" Emperor narrows his eyes

Hanako gets butterflies and his dead heart beats fast

Hanako gulps cartoonishly

"i am hanako san. I am the 7th wonder, I grant wishes in the bathroom stall. I used to live in a school bathroom, but i had to change homes because the writer wanted me to change."

Emperor was confused by what he meant by "writer" but he shrugged it off.

"I was in the bathroom stall waiting for my assistant, and then i saw a blue inkling buying pickled plums, i think?"

Emperor takes out his notepad and writes down the evidence.

"Alright, that's PROBABLY goggles. What else did you see?" Emperor inquires

"Man, i dont know. I was just waiting for my assistant.. but."

Specs and emperor listen to what else hanako has to say.

" you know i said i grant wishes? Well, he went to me because he wanted me to grant him a wish. Why exactly? I'm not sure. All i know is he wanted unlimited pickled plums."

"Huh... interesting." Specs pushes up his nerd glasses

"And then, after we were discussing his wish for unlimited pickled plums, my brother came out of nowhere. He took goggles with him, and imm not exacrly sure why... but.. the coincidences are too weird."

"Alright. Whats your brothers name?" Asked emperor as he continued writing in his notepad

"His name is tsukasa yugi."

Something peeks out of the walls. It was tsukasas kokujoudai and he eavesdropped eveyrthing. 🄷🄴 🄺🄽🄾🅆🅂

CREDITS TO squibbx

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