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Double egg POV

i walk into a dark alley way... is this where im supposed to be a-

"Glad you came." I hear a voice behind me.

I turn around and i see 3 people.

One witth brown hair, one who looks ugly as hell, and a long black blue hair person.

"Are you guys the team?..."

"Yes. Im dazai, the person you messaged." Said the gay brown hair person

"Hello dazai, as you already know, im doible egg and as for the others, its nice to meet you."

"Hello double egg, i hope we can be a great team." Korekiyo said, dan nodded along side him.

"Let us take you to our base :)" said korekiyo.

They took me to an abandoned house, and somethinf caught my eye...

A.. pride flag?...

"Yy y you guys support gay peopple???!!"

"Yes! We love gay people!" Said dan.

I sighed in relief.. thye wont kick me out for being gay...

"Thats amazing!" I said in surprise.

Anyway.. the weapon we have to build... i think i have a great idea...

"What is it?" Said korekiyo

Dan and dazai looked at me in curiosity.

"I have a weapon ... called the rainmaker. But we can make a better, more stronger version. Poweful enoigh to wipe out humanity as we know it."

"Rainmaker?.. i have never heard of that weapon before." Questioned korekiyo.

"Ofc u havent. This weapon is from the future." I said

"The... future?... how do u know about it?.." asked korekiyo.

"Well.... Im from the future."

"Oh, is that why you have those pointy ears?" Dazai questioned.

"And that mask thing around ur eyes too?" Dan said.

"Yup. Im an inkling. I can turn into a squid."

"Woah, thats amazing." Said korekiyo.

"Humanity.. has ended in the future.." i said.

"I think it means your guys plans will work :)"

Dazai, korekiyo, and dan smiled.

"So we better start on this weapon." I said.

"But how will we make it? None of us know how to make weapons."

"Maybe i can help" a mysterious voice said.

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