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It was the Chrismas holidays, and Wilbur had just arrived at the hospital with Techno who was in the car with him.

When they arrived, they walked to the front desk and asked for Tommy's room number.

The nurse smiled at that. "He's been really anxious lately. And yes, we know he is going on a trip with his friends. Just know that a nurse will have to go to the house every morning, so we are gonna need to know where you will be staying." The nurse explained.

The men smiled sadly at that and gave her the address. "He's in room 132 in the surgery unit." The woman said with a smile.

The streamers smiled and nodded before they headed to Tommy's hospital room.

They knocked on his door to be polite. "Come in!" Tommy shouted excitedly.

The men smiled before Wilbur walked in.

"Hey Toms! Ready to go?" Wilbur said with a soft smile as he looked to see Tommy lying down in the hospital bed, looking quite tired and out of it.

Tommy nodded weakily. "Please say it." Wilbur said with a grin.

Tommy sighed. "Hey Wilby." He said while rolling his eyes.

Wilbur laugh happily. "How did you shout before? You look tired, like really tired." Wilbur said with concern and worry.

"I'm a big man! I can-" Tommy was saying before being cut off by himself yawning.

He rubbed his eyes tiredly. Wilbur laughed at this but everyone knew he had a soft spot for the boy.

Techno had to stop himself from laughing as he waited for when Wilbur signalled for him to enter the room.

"Hey Toms? You want to see who's with me?" Wilbur asked. "Sure?" Tommy said, not knowing that someone was there.

Wilbur opened the door and in stepped Techno. Though Tommy didn't know who he was since he is a faceless streamer/youtuber.

Tommy looked confused. "Who the fuck are you?" He said as he narrowed his eyes like he was trying to recognise him.

Wilbur and Techno burst out laughing at his reaction. Tommy's eyes then widened at Techno's laugh.

"Blade?!" Tommy said in shock. The men then stopped laughing and smiled softly at him.

"Hey gremlin." Techno said with a smile. Tommy then opened his arms for a hug.

"You're gonna have to come here cause I can't get up." Tommy said with a smile.

Techno smiled and laughed a bit before walking up to him and hugging him gently, not wanting to hurt him anymore then he already is.

Techno sat on the bed as he hugged the tired boy.

"Where's my hug?" Wilbur whined. "I already see you nearly every week so fuck off." Tommy said as he stuck his middle finger up at his brother figure.

Techno laughed and kissed the top of the boy's head happily while still hugging him.

The 3 sat in the room for a little longer before leaving.

Techno was sat on the bed while holding Tommy. Tommy was resting against him in a side hug as they listened to Wilbur about what was going to happen next.

Suddenly a nurse walked in and smiled at Tommy as she wheeled in his very own wheelchair.

"Are you ready to go Thom-" "Tommy." The boy corrected the nurse before she could finish.

"Right. Ready to go Tommy?" She corrected with a laugh. Tommy nodded and smiled slightly.

The nurse got a strap that she put around his waist to keep his back straight.

Techno then picked him up bridal style and carefully placed him in the wheelchair.

Once he was strapped in, Techno helped to push him out of the hospital and over to the car.

Techno picked him up again and put him in the car seat and let the boy strap himself in.

The nurse went back inside the hospital so Techno sat next to Tommy in the back.

Techno let Tommy rest against him as the boy slept for the whole car ride.

The man had gotten a blanket out from the front seat and wrapped it around the boy to make sure the winter weather didn't bother him.

Techno smiled and kissed his head like before as they began driving to their destination.

SickInnit (Sbi/BrotherBlade/Bedrock Bros)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant