D3 26: Attack By Hades

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°•° means switch 

"Do you have everything?" Madam Tremaine asks her grand-daughter Dizzy as Evie and Rachel stands beside her. 

"Yes, I have everything." Dizzy answers. 

"Are you sure?" Tremaine asked. 

"I'm sure, Granny." Dizzy said. 

"Oh, really?" Madam Tremaine asks, holding a glue gun. 

"MY GLUE GUN!" Dizzy exclaims and held it close to her. 

"I don't know what you're doing going to do without me." Her grandmother said. 

"I'll miss you." Dizzy said. 

"Go on, go on." Madam Tremaine said. 

"Goodbye, Granny." Dizzy said and hugs her grandma, then let go and finished putting her luggage in the trunk. 

They all got in the Limousine and Jay was driving the limo and Squeaky sat in the passenger seat, holding Jay's arm. Rachel sat beside Evie a little awkward.

“When we get to Auradon, you’ve got to try ice cream.” Evie told Dizzy.

“And go swimming?” Dizzy asked, all excited, she's definitely like Evie when she arrived at Auradon. 

“Of course. I can take you to the Enchanted Lake.” Evie adds. 

“I can’t believe I get to live with you in your very own castle!” Dizzy exclaimed still excited. 

“Well, it’s just a little starter.” Evie said. 

Jay struggled to drive as one of Smee’s twins, Squeaky, held on to his arm for dear life. 

“Ever thought about playing sports?” Jay asked, sarcastically. 

While Squeaky panicked in the front, Squirmy was in the back where Carlos was showing him different candies. Celia pulled out her deck of tarot cards and turned to Ben. 

“Pick a card… you’re going to be a wise and brave king.” Celia said holding up the card. 

“He already is,” Mal said looking out at the Isle. 

"See? The cards never lie." Celia said. 
Celia stuck out a hand. Her eyes opened in surprise as Ben fished out his wallet and handed her a twenty. She was expecting five dollars at the most. The barrier opened as the limo drove through. 

Rachel was the one to see Hades from the back window of the limo. “It’s Hades. Stop the car, he’s trying to escape!” 

Jay stopped the limo immediately and everyone ran out. 

“I am a god!” Hades yelled. “I don’t belong here!” Hades tried to force his way through the barrier. Mal, Rachel and Evie quickly pushed the kids back in the limo and closed the doors behind them. 

Carlos, Jay, and Ben ran to push him back but Hades zapped them with his ember. The boys fell to the ground. Mal’s eyes turned bright green as she transformed into a dragon. Hades blasted Mal with the ember. She struggled against him. 


In Auradon, the crowd watched in horror as Hades blasted Mal. “Okay everyone. Do not panic…” Fairy Godmother tried to tell the crowd.

"There's your precious Queen. She can't even protect us." Audrey grumbled, upset. 

But when Mal dipped once from the effect of the ember, the crowd went into a frenzy. “Okay, and we’re panicking. Bibbidi-Bobbidi run!” 


"Come on, Mal, blast him." Jay called out to Mal as Hades's magic kept blasting her as she did nothing. 

Suddenly a gold shiny beam aimed at Hades and hits him which made him stumble back but continue to hits Mal with a gem in his hand.

Mal pulled out fire deep from within and directed towards Hades. Hades fell back and the barrier closed up. 
Mal screeched in pain as she slowly descended while Evie helped the boys up and the kids opened the door of the limo. “Mal, are you okay?” Evie asked her friend when Mal turned human again and herself and Ben helped her up. 

“No." Mal cried as she clutched her chest. "He was draining all my magic with the ember. I felt all my power draining away.”

“You’re safe now, M. He’s back where he belongs.” Evie assured her. 

"Yeah, for now." Mal said as she leaned against Ben while they watched Hades  get off the ground and walked away and a few Isle people scattered from the hellhound God's path.

“We should go.” Jay ushered everyone back to the Limousine. 

But Rachel stood in place for a moment and saw that her necklace was glowing, she quickly hid it in her dress and went back to the Limousine. 

​​A/N: I'm going to add the queen of mean song since it's my favorite song in the film

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​​A/N: I'm going to add the queen of mean song since it's my favorite song in the film.

733 words

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