Hitchhiker guide to a pun

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The Beowolves, Mike and Marty, are seen standing together.

Mike: Man, Marty, I feel like an idiot. No humans are gonna fall for this.

Marty: Mike, trust me, humans will believe anything. (looking over his shoulder) Oh! Here comes some now. Quick, get in character.

Mike and Marty turn around a wave their arms in circles to ready themselves. Team RWBY pulls up to the curb and give weird stares at them. Mike wears a pair of disguise sunglasses with a fake nose and moustache and a fedora hat, while Marty wears aviators with a blue ball cap.

Marty: Hey there! I'm just a human dude.

Mike: Me too! I'm also a people.

Yang: (unconvinced) Riiight... Uh, we took a wrong turn, do you guys know where the bank is?

As she spoke you leaned forward with an eye mask on your face. You then lift it up seeing the " humans"

Mike: Sure! We can... show you the way.

Marty slumps his arms in disappointment.

Mike: (threatening) All you have to do is... let us in.

Marty frantically shakes his head. Team RWBY all give awkward smiles. Blake giggles as you shake your head with a smile.

Yang: That is a super hard pass. Nice try, "human" dudes.

They drive off leaving the disguised Grimm behind. 

Mike: I told you it wouldn't work, Marty!

Marty: Of course not! You came on too strong.

Mike: Ugh, I'm just so hungry for violence and evil!

Marty: Oh, here comes another car. Be cool this time?

The next car drives up, this time with Cinder Fall at the wheel.

Cinder: Hi there boys. Can I offer you a lift? I've got... candy? (gives an innocent wink)

Marty: Uh... (whispers to Mike) Hey, isn't that...?

Mike: (whispers) Shh! Don't ruin this for us, she's got candy! (normally) We'd love a ride!

Later on, all three of them are together in the car.

Cinder: (laughs evilly) My nefarious scheme is going exactly as planned and soon or later y/n will be mine!

Marty: What a coincidence, so is our plan.

Mike and Marty pretend to laugh evilly, though Cinder gets suspicious.

Cinder: Wait a minute... (slaps off their disguises.) Mangy dingoes! How do I keep running into such losers?!

Cinder tosses them both out of the car and quickly drives away. Mike and Marty cough from the smoke. Mike notices someone next to them.

Mike: Ahem...

Marty looks over to where he's looking at, and the camera pans out to show June and  Rin. The Beowolves quickly put their disguises back on.

Marty: So you guys want to share a taxi car?

June: That sounds reasonable!

Rin: No!!

Yang and Tia are seen together in Team RWBY's dorm room, with Blake studying on her bed and Weiss Schnee at her desk also studying.

Yang: Come on, Weiss! I need to pick up my new coat from the tailor.

Tia: Or... sew it seams.

The father and daughter snicker at the joke.

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