Movie time

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A sign above a movie theater reads "NOW SHOWING" with a large question mark under it. June, Pyrrha, Ruby, you and Star are standing on the sidewalk below the sign. Behind them are three posters reading "CHIBI CHIBI", "THE MERCHIBIS", and "THAT'S MY UNCLE!".

June: I am so ready for movie night. So what are we watching?

Pyrrha: I think we should see Love More Than Likely, I heard it's a very tender love story.

Pyrrha is kneeling in the forest, smelling a yellow flower as a Beowolf slowly rises up behind her. You came in riding on Zwei, leaps in to rescue her from the Grimm with the sword and shield.

You: Watch out, fair maiden, I'm here to save you

You jump from Zwei and elegantly slice the Grimm making it whimper and run then Pyrrha hugs your side as you stand elegantly 

Pyrrha: My hero.

(Back in reality)

Star: Yuck, no way. Let's see something cool; like Try Hard 2: Try Harderer.

Sun is in a corridor, hiding behind a large container with the emblem for Vale on the sides. She is wearing a fake mustache and a bullet proof vest. Roma Torchwick is hiding behind a barrel on the opposite end of the corridor and shooting at her. When Torchwick ducks behind cover, Star aims one of her shotguns around the side and fires several shots of her own.

Also wearing a fake mustache, Neptuna is sitting in an interrogation room with Star. A Compost King board game is on the table between them. Star violently flips the game off the table, knocking her chair over in the process.

Star: I play by my own rules!

Neptuna and Star are slow-walking away from From Dust Till Dawn, accompanied by dramatic saxophone music.

Neptuna: Girl, why are we walking so slow?

Star dramatically puts on sunglasses as the store behind them explodes. Neptuna's eyes go white but he does not turn around.

Star: That's why.

(Back in reality)

Neptuna has joined the group of characters standing in front of the movie theater, as he and Star slowly nod their heads in approval.

Velvet: Hey guys, sorry I'm late. I was hoping we could catch that new animated children's musical.


Velvet stands atop a boulder amid a ray of sunlight.

Velvet: (singing) Little bunny foo foo—

Sun: NO!

(Back to reality)

Star We're not seeing a musical.

Velvet holds her hands to her face in startled dismay at Star's angry forcefulness.

Neptune: Besides, no one likes cartoons.

Velvet deflates, shoulders slumping forward.

Ruby: Huh, this is gonna be harder than we thought.

You: ooo I got it. Spy life


We then see you walking past the screen like james bond gun barrel sequence 

We then see you walking past the screen like james bond gun barrel sequence 

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