The real world

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Yang Xiao Long is seen sitting on a chair with a clipboard in her hands, while Ruby Rose lays down on the bed next to her, as if it was a psychotherapy session.

Yang: Now, when Weiss took away your cookie, how did it make you feel?

Ruby: Hurt! Betrayed! (Her stomach grumbles) Hungry...

Yang: Hm. Yes. Go on.

Suddenly, Nora Valkyrie enters the room holding a thermos.

Nora: Guys! I figured it out!

Ruby: Nora! I'm in the middle of healing!

Nora: Listen. It's not that I shouldn't drink coffee, it's that I haven't been drinking enough at once! I need MORE!!

Ruby: Uh, hey, where's Rin?

Yang: Is that whole thing filled with coffee?

Nora: No, silly! It's filled with espresso shots!

Ruby: Uh...

Rin enters the room, though Rin was tied up and gagged. She tried to warn Nora, but it's in vain.

Nora: (popping open the thermos) LET'S DO THIS!!!

Ruby, Yang, and Rin all scream "Nooooooooo!" when Nora gulps down the contents of the thermos. The camera zooms in on her right eye, which then transitions to a white blank space with a small black dot.

The dot grows bigger and transitions to the real world. We see a box rattling and a Nora figure pops out. She gets knocked over and sees her surroundings being on a top of a cupboard 

Nora: what the?!

She then hears a door opening, she moves behind a robot figure. Then a teen boy with glasses and dark blond hair walks in looking over a phone. He looks up and turns the lights on revealing to be a bedroom with a desk, two cupboards, a wall board of various drawings of battles and familiar characters.

The teen looks around narrowing his eyes before picking up a drawing pad and pencil. He closes the door behind him and Nora comes out.

J: psst over here

She looks to see June but more boyish then girlish

Nora: June?

J: who?

Ruby: Jaune come on.

Ruby and the male June go behind another shelf followed by Nora

Ruby: Oh, it's a good thing he didn't see you! That would've been bad.

Nora: What... is this place?

Jaune: This... is the real world.

Nora: Real?

Jaune: you- we were living in a simulation This is life outside the screen.

Ruby: The giant one, he seems to worship us and our lives.

Nora: What do you mean by "worship"? (they all stop to look at something) Whoaaaaa!

She looks to see various merchandise of RWBY three shirts, on them were various symbols of the different characters. Figures of Ruby, Weiss, Blake Yang in an awesome pose fighting Grimm. Books of team CVFY and comics 

Ruby: he makes many art of us, he listens to songs based on our adventures, they even wear stylish and comfortable clothing in our honor!

Nora: Wow! I'll bet they're affordable as well!

Ruby: Oh, you know it!

Nora: I don't get it! How did you all get out? How did I get out? And where's y/n

home away from home away from home (Rwby chibi harem x male reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz