Quill the Quail

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Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, you and Yang Xiao Long are sitting around in their Team RWBY's dorm.

Yang: (excitedly) And she said—

Blake: (unenthusiastically) Not as big as y/n's

Weiss: (disappointed) Get new jokes, Yang.

You: and funnier ones

Yang sticks out her tongue just before Ruby Rose bursts into the room, shouting.

Ruby: Guys, shut up! I just got the most incredible news!

Blake: What is it?

Ruby: Aunt Quill coming to visit!

Ruby literally bounces around the room, coming to a stop to the left of her friends.

Yang: Oh my gosh! I can't wait!

A small black bird crashes into the window anticlimactically, accompanied by the sound of someone sliding down the glass which you look around but see nothing.

Weiss: Your Aunt Quill? Isn't she the drunk loudmouth?

Ruby: she prefers "reckless rogue."

Yang: she's super cool.

Ruby: All the time.

The bird flies into the window a second time and you look again but nothing.

Blake: I suppose there are... worse role models out there.

You: hmmm, I've seen worse and weirder

Yang: I mean, she's definitely cool, but I'm not sure I'd go as far to say role model.

Ruby: (deadpan) I'm telling her you said that.

Frantic running up stairs is heard, followed by a door slamming and Quill Branwen running into the room panting. She opens the window then runs back out.

Blake: Was that... your Aunt Quill?

The blackbird flies into the room, and in a puff of smoke is replace by Quill.

Quill: Ta-da!

She weezes, trying to find her breath

Ruby: Oh! Aunt Quill!

Ruby hugs Quill's head, throwing her off-balance.

Quill: No, wait!

She topples over backward out the window, taking Ruby with her and you go after hanging over the ledge.

Yang: She's really cool.

You bend back landing back on the floor with a purple gauntlet 

You point up as Quill was floated back and Ruby still clutching her head not even effected that she's being levitated

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You point up as Quill was floated back and Ruby still clutching her head not even effected that she's being levitated

Quill: How you doin kiddo

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